Duel for the Maiden

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~11 June 1841~

"Well, well, well."

From behind the tree, I watch Rick's head snap up. Dalgliesh and I have been watching him for the past hour and twenty minutes, just to make sure he didn't bring Karim or any other reinforcements.

I know Karim is always hanging around somewhere, but Dalgliesh doesn't need to know. After our stakeout, he seemed satisfied that Rick was alone.

"Lord Dalgliesh." Rick manages out his teeth. I've missed his cool voice more than I miss solid chocolate. And that's saying a lot.

"Mr Ambrose, how kind of you to meet me here."

"There is nothing kind in my actions. Bring me my wife, now."

Dalgliesh sighs, then motions for me to come forwards without taking his eyes off of Rick.

Pft, I don't do what men tell me, especially if he won't even look my way. I stay behind the tree.

"Lilly..." It's only when Rick calls out, voice shaking and uncharacteristically thick with emotion that I step out of my hiding place. He closes his eyes for a second before turning back to Dalgliesh, the familiar cool glint shining once again.

"Let's settle this like men."

They turn back to back, and walk ten paces, before turning around and firing.

"RICK!" I scream through the gag as he falls to the ground.

I rush to his side, grateful that Dalgliesh tied my hands in front of me so I can search his chest for a bullet wound. Through the blood coating his shirt, I can't find anything.

I hear a laugh from over my shoulder.

Dalgliesh stands, ten feet away, looking far too smug for my liking.

"Your precious husband couldn't even defend you, Lillian. See how much better of a man I am than he is? He might have loved you, but he was never able to do anything about it. He can't even shoot straight!"

I feel my blood begin to boil.

No one makes fun of my husband but me.

I might call him Dick on occasion, and tease him about his shyness, but no one insults his honor.

Dalgliesh continues to boast about what he's going to do now that I belong to him, but I see Rick's gun to the left of my knee.

I could take it... I still remember how to shoot from my time in the jungle. I was never very good, but I could hit weird looking fruit from twenty feet away. There shouldn't be much of a difference shooting a clown from ten. I could reach down, grab it and...


Before I could reach for the gun, Rick did, sitting up straight and shooting Dalgliesh straight in the chest. We watch him fall backwards, and never move again.


I can't even speak two words before his lips crash into mine, freezing after just a second.

"Damn gag." He spits something out of his mouth before quickly untying it.

Then he grabs my neck and pulls me close to him, kissing me hard. I don't remember anything that just happened. All my attention is on Rick, my husband, the man I'm in love with.

He pulls me onto his lap, but after a moment I feel him gasp. Scrambling off him, I check his legs.

That's why he went down. The bullet lodged in his leg.

"Rick, we need to get you to a doctor right now."

He shakes his head.

"No. Need...I need...tell you."

"Don't...stay with me, Rick. Don't give up."

He starts swaying, and I yell for someone to help.

In a moment of clarity, he looks me in the eyes.

"I love you."

Then he falls backwards onto the floor.


"Back to bed with you, or I'll call them. They'll tie you up if they have to." I inform my darling, convalescing  husband. As I know from finding him after the shipwreck, and from when he hit his head in the jungle, he's the worst sick person in the world. The man hates being idle, but the doctor said he should take a break, so I'm not letting him do any work.

Grumbling some complaint I can't understand, he bends back down and lies on the bed, body perfectly straight, eyes on the ceiling.

I've taken to doing as many of my chores in the bedroom as I can. I hate to be apart from him for even a moment and I know he feels the same. His eyes follow me wherever I go.

Although, that's not much different than before.

He grunts in frustration.

"I don't understand why I can't at least have my paperwork. It's my leg that isn't right, not my arms or my brain." I sit down next to him on the bed.

"Oh, no, your brain definitely isn't right," I tell him. A low growl starts in the back of his throat, and I lean over to kiss his cheek. "Aww, did I offend you? I'm so sorry." I put my arms around him and smother him with little kisses, laughing while he tries to squirm away.

"Carter, Genna, come in here. Your father  is being naughty!" The children come running in, remembering the deal I made with them at breakfast. I told them their father got hurt, but he doesn't like to sit around all day, so I needed their help keeping him entertained.

Genna came in empty handed, but Carter ran in with an armful of books.

I still remember what happened the moment after he went down. I called for help. Karim had been lurking around and the plan was for him to come to the rescue after the second shot. His plan was for Dalgliesh to hit him, get cocky, then for Rick to deliver the killing blow. A stupid idea in my mind, but I'm glad Karim was there if things got bad. Afterwards, I found out my children were at my aunts. I had Karim bring me there in the chaise, and when I walked in, both kids, previously despondent, burst into tears at the sight of me and ran into my arms. For the next few days, they cried whenever I wasn't in their line of sight and I had to let them sleep in my bed with me, because they cried when I tried to put them to sleep.

"Read story, please daddy?" Genna asks, being very careful around Rick's leg, but settling into the crook of his arm and looking at him with her big, brown eyes. Rick looks at her, then at me, and I smile encouragingly.

Since my disappearance, Rick has been taking a bigger interest in his family. He actually talks to me, he willingly eats all his meals with us, and, to their delight, he's even played a couple games with the kids.

Who would have thought that being kidnapped would actually help my family?

Rick opens the book to the first page and begins reading to us. I sit on the other side of the bed, resting my back against the headboard. Carter climbs over and snuggles into my side. I hug him close and kiss his head.

Rick's hand slides over and takes mine in his without taking his eyes off the page.

Yes, I think as I survey my little family, it couldn't get any better than this.

I feel the new baby kick inside my stomach.

Maybe it could...


The end.

Well there you have it folks. I finally did it. It took quite a bit longer than I thought it would but here it is.

I want to thank every single person who voted and gave me encouraging comments, especially during that beginning part. You guys are all so amazing and I never would have finished this without you.

I hope you liked it :)


Storm and Silence FanficOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora