xix. redbone

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Reece's POV

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Reece's POV

"Are you not sick and tired of getting the snot kicked out of by black boys?" Liza droned on, sitting at the edge of my desk. "Your face is becoming to black fists what cheese is to mice."

One day removed from fighting with Dennis on the bathroom floor of The King's house and I still had the aching feeling in my back. Needles felt like they were being pushed through my skin and threaded into my bones whenever I pressed against it. Sleeping on my stomach looked like it was going to be become the norm for a while.

"At least I got a few shots in this time," I grinned. "Besides, trying to murder someone can be therapeutic."

"Okay, Jeffrey Dahmer," she chided. "How did Ashley respond to it?"

"Well," I exhaled, "I had to buy the door back. But that wasn't nearly enough to appease him."

Liza almost smirked. "What's the punishment?" she asked, angling her body now, so that one of her legs furnished the table. "Is he going to make you get a vasectomy now?"

"I wouldn't do that if my life actually depended on it ...or yours for that matter," I barked and Liza rolled her eyes. "I'm not sure what my punishment is going to be, but he told me it's a fate worse than death so..." I took a sip of beer, "It should be fun."

"Mother isn't happy either," she noted. "The entire reason we went there was to get Ashley to move in here, and that whole fiasco sort of made that moot."

"Well mother can't always get what she wants, now can she?" I replied. "She'll get over it, Morris Chessnut is in town." I paused. "Speaking of attractive black men...what's going on with you and Kenzie?"



"Nothing is going on with Kenzie and I," she said, fixing her necklace all of a sudden, as her cheeks turned a bright pink. "And until something is going on with Kenzie and I, I would like it if no one asked me what is going on with Kenzie and I."

"That was a lot of Kenzies and I's," I blurted and she threw a pen at me, but missed.

"Don't tease, you hairless ape," she chided. "At least my love life is in better shape than yours."

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