one hundred forty nine

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Ally backs into her girlfriend accidentally as a boy stumbles past her, nearly spilling his drink all over her dress. She'd agreed to venture to a party in her neighborhood after convincing from Lucy, who was now laughing at Ally's disgusted look while wrapping her arms protectively around her waist to catch her. She turns around in Lucy's arms when she realizes they've hit a wall, leaning in to talk over the booming music into her ear.

"Maybe this wasn't such a good idea! This place is crazy crowded!"

"It's a party, babe!" Lucy calls back, grabbing her hand and pulling her further into the crowd to find the drinks. "Loosen up a little!"

Ally wasn't sure why'd she'd agreed to go to this party. Lucy had just been so cute and irresistible, and there'd been no denying her anything in the moment. But Ally had never really been a big party person, mainly because of all the horny and drunk people she always seemed to be surrounded by. But even as the people around her seemed to be forming a barrier and making her feel stuck in this sweaty, smelly dump, Lucy was standing right beside her making her feel free.

So yes, parties weren't exactly Ally's thing, but to be with Lucy, she'd go anywhere.


Normally, Lucy was the one that got shit-face drunk. But when she saw Ally go for her third margarita, she knew she should probably stop drinking so she could be clear-headed. That's what Lauren had always done for her, and now it was her turn to be a good girlfriend and make sure Ally stayed out of trouble.

Which was not as easy as it seems, believe it or not, because around thirty minutes ago, she'd lost Ally in the crowd.

You'd think it'd be shit simple to keep track of someone like Ally, but someone drunk like Ally was the complete opposite. And it didn't help that she was smaller than most of the people at this party.

Lucy was beginning to worry the longer she was separated from her girlfriend; while she had complete faith in Ally, she knew that Ally was so kind (even while drunk) that someone might try and take advantage of her. For what, that's what Lucy was concerned about.

It isn't until she's nearing the entrance that she spots the commotion, mumbling many profanities under her breath as she speed-walks towards the scene. A private security guard that had been hired by the house owner to watch over the party was currently dragging a very unwilling Ally towards the door, kicking and screaming about something Lucy couldn't make out over the loud music.

As she approaches them, she yells, "Ally, I've been looking for you for over half an hour! What were you doing?"

The guard and Ally both turn at the same time, a goofy smile breaking out on Ally's face while the guard just looks annoyed. "Hehe, I was tryin' to go s-swimming." Lucy notices her wet hair and clothes, furrowing her brows as she stops beside them.

"But... there isn't a pool...?" She looks to the guard, who still had a firm grip on Ally's arm.

"She kept getting into the fountain even though I asked her to stay out of it." He grumbles, pulling roughly on Ally's arm when she tries to pull it away to get to Lucy, who glares at the man for hurting her girlfriend.

"It's not a fountain, issa hot tub!" Ally slurs, stomping on the man's foot. "Stop man-handling me!"

Lucy looks worriedly at her girlfriend before turning to the guard. "I can take it from here, sir, this is my girlfr—"

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