Punk kid>

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      "Good morning Ruby." Tyler spouted, sitting next to a little girl that attended his church. Ruby's mom sat beside them, smiling from ear to ear. Tyler's family wondered why he rather sit by Ruby's family at church, but they never asked.

           Tyler's face fell once the service started, he sat there. Soaking everything in like a sponge. Now Tyler usually did feel a bunch of eyes on him, all judging him. Yet he felt someone else's stare, he tried to ignore it. Yet it was growing hotter and hotter. Tyler quickly turned around and locked eyes with the same punk kid he was quite fond of.

         Josh stared back at him. He gave Tyler a quick wink before looking back at the preacher.
Tyler fell his stomach bubble, he let out a small chuckle as he turned back around. Tyler looked down at his lap, playing with the rubber band on his wrist and occasionally biting his lip. Fighting the urge to turn back around and look at the punk kid.

      Why? He just wanted to look at him.. Once the service began to end everyone stood up, at first Tyler turn to look at his parents. But he quickly turn his gaze to Josh, on the other isle besides his. He wore a semi formal outfit, and comb his hair a different way. A way that interested Tyler a lot.

          The ladies at the church doors, each dressed similarly. Handing out fliers for an upcoming church pool event. Tyler's family left first, Mrs Joseph lit up once noticing the fliers.

            "You guys should go, it's this Tuesday after school." Mrs Joseph cheered looking at her kids. The other three Joseph kids smiled from ear to ear, nodding and agreeing amongst each other. While Tyler shrugged his shoulders indecisive about his stance on swimming in public.

         His mom handed him the fliers to hold, while her and Mr Joseph talked amongst the adults in the church lobby. The lobby was quite large, full of church members chatting before leaving to enjoy the rest of their Sunday. Tyler leaned back on the wall closest to the exit doors, he looked down at the flier. Reading the fine print and honestly just killing time.

          "You're going too?" A voice asked.
Tyler quickly looked up, startled to see the Dun sister Ashley. But to Tyler she was some random girl. Tyler slowly nodded, hesitating of course. Still indecisive about the event.

         "Good my brother was hoping to see you there." She added, pointing to Josh who stood besides a group of teens his age. She eyed Tyler one more time before walking elsewhere.

         Tyler shallowed, hard! He stood there
nervously, trying to digest what he just heard.

          "I'm definitely going." He whispered under his breath, tightening his grip on the paper flier.

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