Chapter 11 - Oh Shit

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There was still no answer, so Jordan went upstairs and opened Beca's door...

"He- sorry girls, I'm going"

"Mum, we're dressed look" Beca lifted up the duvet cover.

"Sorry, I did call and knock. So what is this? You both together?"

Beca got off Chloe.

"Bloody hell, your necks, girls" Jordan laughed. "I hope that's all you've been doing"

"Mum, relax. Yes, it is"

"Right well I want to know everything, so come down"

"Alright, we're coming, Chlo want a sandwich?"

"Sandwich seems good. I know we were only kissing, but aren't you a little freaked out your Mum saw us kissing?"

"Nah, she's fine"

"So, come on then, how did this happen?"

"Well we were drinking, we watched a movie, more drinking, then we danced, we talked and we kissed"

"Way to keep it simple Beca, come on I want details"

"Mum, if it helps neither of us can remember exactly word for word. We both said we liked each other, I said about me not being perfect, but I liked her and if she wanted to, we could maybe give us a go. Chlo agreed, so here we are"

"Well, I can't say I'm surprised, who said they liked each other first?"

"Me" Chloe said.

"Oh, bloody hell"

"What? Why? Is it bad?"

"Bad for me, not you. I owe Iris $50"

"What is it with everyone betting on us" Beca groaned.

"Have you seen you two? Always stealing looks! Come on Beca, I'd have thought you'd be the one to say you like her first"

"I was, but Chloe beat me to it. Besides the Tequila slowed my brain"

"Hmm, have you seen your necks? No way that's from today"

"Anyway, it's getting late, I'm tired, so I'm going to bed. Please don't be too loud" Jordan winked.


"We'll try not too. Ow, not in that way, Beca"

"Do you know what? I need a smoke after that"

"You need a smoke after everything, Beca" She laughed.

"Go out for a cigarette, and I'll put something on for us to watch"

"Like what?"

"Well we still have Orange Is The New Black to watch?"

"Alright, put it on. Want me to bring anything up?"

"Just your body" Chloe winked.

"Dude, it's loud, turn it down"

"I can't find the remote, get up we must be sat on it"

"Keep it down in there, our neighbours don't want to hear you going at it" Jordan shouted.

"Ew, it's not us, we're watching Orange Is The New Black, there's a sex scene, we can't find the remote"

"Got it"

"Turn it down, Chlo"

"And it's down"

"Bloody hell. Good night girls"

"Night Mum" "Night Jordan"

"That was not funny"

"Babe, it was hilarious"

"Maybe for you. Let's finish this and we'll go to sleep" 

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