Chapter 28 - Where?

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It had been two weeks, two weeks since Aubrey was suspended, two weeks since Beca found out about her parents, two weeks since Beca's party. Aubrey was back at Barden teaching and she'd been given a written warning. Beca wasn't pleased at all about her being back but she'd promised her Mum that she'd stay out of her way.

Beca and her friends, had changed, they'd not been getting so much into trouble. Mr. Harris hadn't had many complaints about the girls. He'd asked for regular updates just to make sure they were getting on.

None of the teachers know what the girls are doing, one minute they were getting into trouble non-stop, next they were actually sitting in lessons, concentrating. Well the teachers may not know, but the girls certainly do.


The girls were at Emily's the weekend after the party and were just talking.

"Hey girls, Em and I have come up with a great bet for you three"

"What's that?"

"So, the looser has to streak through the gym after PE"

"Oh god, what's the bet?"

"The bet, young Mitchell, you guys have to stay in lessons, no getting into trouble, actually pay attention. Em and I are always getting into trouble in lessons because of you, so we thought, you guys actually sit in lessons"

"I'm in"

"Dude, come on, why agree?"

"Well, I'm not going to lose, so it'll be either you or Legs"

"Fuck it, I'm in"

"Great, it starts on Monday"

"I did not agree to this!"

"Well we did, 2 against 1, sorry Mitch"

"OMG, is this a joke? Please tell me you're joking"

"No, no joke, come on it'll be fun. Besides give it 2 days and you'll be back to yourselves"

"Can't believe I'm agreeing to this, I'm not streaking"

*End of flashback*

Beca was finally getting her cast off today, so she was happy about that. She got at early hospital appointment to get it off and then she'd go into school.

Amy's Bitches

Mitchell (07:42) – Guess who's finally getting their cast off? Me, that's fucking who!!

Conrad (07:43) – Great, no more us having to role for you!

Mitchell (07:43) – You and Red love it :P

Beale (07:44) – Hmm, not so sure about that, babe 😉

Mitchell (07:45) – But you love mee

Beale (07:45) – Not so sure about that, either 😉

Mitchell (07:45) – Oh just you wait, once this cast is off you'll be happy 😉


Fat Amy (07:46) – Take your moment elsewhere Bhloe!!

Junk (07:48) – I'm not so innocent, besides, I've known Chloe since Kindergarten, you get used to it!

Conrad (07:49) – Well it'll be about time Beale got some action

Beale (07:50) – STACE!

Mitchell (07:51) – Laughed hard at that. Alright bitches, I'm off to get a cast off, I'll see you girls soon!

Bechloe - The Start ✓Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora