24. I'll be in hell with the misunderstood.

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We were walked in handcuffed all the way into CIA headquarters at Langley. I took up my seat on my interrogation room, knowing they've already begun with Kaden. 17.00. 

"Hello, agent Prowse. I'm Kate Watson, i will be conducting this interrogation" the woman is a tall dark skinned linguistics major who's north of 50 years old. Her face is intact through the years, showing no signs of time. i smile up at her. 

"Good morning. Afternoon i guess" i correct myself and glance at the ballistic glass on my left. That glass separates me from god knows what they're telling Kaden. the glass on my right hides a team of analysts studying me. 

"Ms. Prowse i have some questions that it's in the best interest of all parties involved you answer truthfully. Your partner has helped she some light on your recent activities, as of now he's singing-"

"ok, i'm gonna stop you right there. no need for 'We know it all'. what that prick did or didn't do doesn't concern me"

"What were you doing in Russia?" she asks. 

"As i already explained Steve, i was helping out a just cause" i smirk at her. The woman has been through enough shows and she isn't having it. i respect that. i respect knowledge, and experience. "i don't want to waste your time, you've had an operative move down on Jose Richards for about a week, not being able to pin anything down on the man. today, a shipment was supposed to go out onto Syrian soil to aid the government in killing more than it's already killed, even using a glorious newly developed bomb-"

"How... how do you know all of this?"

"i'm afraid that's classified"

"There is nothing classified in here" she waves at the room. 

"no.... there are things that as you may understand, i'm legally bound to protect" 

"she's dead, you know?" i'm puzzled by her revelation but she continues. "Lacy Morgan, the operative on Richard's case" She sighs heavily and exits the room, but before the door snaps closed I hear her yell out into the hallway, "Medina!"

The thoughts run. How did i not hear when it happened? How long had it been, 1 day, 2, 3 days? Why did nobody tell me?! I don't.... I don't normally mourn agents, it.... It happens all the time. But. What has my world come to? Why does death, so suddenly, seem so ubiquitous? 

Looking down at the floor, both Alex and Steve walk in the room. "over 20 bodies! TWENTY Skylar, TWENTY, between the two of you. and that's just the ones we know of. what happened to minamal impact?" Steve scolds as they both sit down across from me. i then remember all the times he drilled the same thing into my head. His tone drops into a deadly zone. "including one of our own. even through the circumstances"

ignoring him, i put my hands on the table to reach out for alex. i've missed Alex. i missed how sometimes he'll wear a dress shirt and tie with an actual nametag because he likes to mess with analysts and assistants. Those who don't know his actual power. i give him a newfound warm, sincere smile. "i'm sorry" i whisper looking at my hand holding his. We lost Lacy. we lost a part of us. a part of our history. we've all known each other for years. we've worked with each other for years. 

"let's do our job" he says straight faced, covering it away. perhaps thinking that shutting down worked out for me. it's an incredible high, but once you fall... "Medina" he pulls out all his paperwork and a recorder. 

"Johnson," He speaks of the CIA director. " and i spoke about your situation and he said he would readmit you in a minute but the HR board is never gonna let it fly. SO i suggested... a black ops ratio request. You were operation under your blue kill ratio, and although you had been blacklisted, the justification could be enough to grant admission. Although... expulsion from TEST01 was immediate.... there's nothing else I can do now. if you don't pass through the HR board..."

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