Chapter 4 Anywhere

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The next morning I woke up feeling awful. My head pounded and I quickly sat up. I racked my brain, what happened. I looked around then down at my short dress still clinging to me. I had one shoe on and Janie looked to be in the same shape sleeping next to me. I thought hard.

Oh god what did I do? I remember I danced with Drake, what about Adam? And then I, oh god what did I say to him? Think Sadie, he was angry when he left, what did you say? I said he had nice eyes and Dani, then, oh god. I'm gonna be sick. I jumped up and ran to the bathroom, I emptied my contents as Janie woke up and came running to me.

"Janie why didn't you stop me from making an ass out of myself. I told Drake that..that." I paused to throw up again.

"Sadie he came back and punched that asshole in the face for you, obviously what you said wasn't that bad." She had a point but I knew better, it was that bad. I had crossed the line. If I had just kept my mouth shut then he might not hate me even more now. And Adam just because we weren't on good terms doesn't mean I had the right to dance the way I did or get hit on by an asshole. My head pounded, I have to tell Adam what happened. I already feel guilty and not telling him will make it worse.

I got ready and said goodbye to Janie who told me it was a bad idea but I had to do this. I walked to his door and took a deep breath. Before I could knock he swung the door open.

"Happy birthdayyy" he yelled out hugging me. "I have your present inside. Come on." He grabbed my hand and pulled. I stood my ground holding us to the doorway, my hand tugging him back.

"Adam I have to talk to you first." He stepped back and I told him everything that happened last night. He looked dumbfounded, then angry. He tightened his grip in my hand until it was painful. I whimpered as he continued to squeeze. "Adam please I'm sorry I didn't mean.."

"You didn't mean what Sadie? Getting drunk at a club without your boyfriend or trying to hook up with two people? People don't want you Sadie, they know who you are and what you don't do. I started dating you because I was hoping if someone showed interest you would change your mind and spread your legs. I figured I would be the first since no one else obviously would ever what to be with you!" He was yelling now and my tears were freely falling, what was he saying? He's only with me because he wanted to conquer the prude. "Drake Sanders would never be interested in you, you're a nobody and he's the talk of the school. You're to plain to get any attention, and now you're trying to be a whore to get it! Get the fuck out of my house."

He pushed me back hard, I tripped and went tumbling down the stairs, scraping my hands and knees. I got up and started running, my cuts stinging from the air that was blowing into them. My tears weren't going to stop anytime soon so I couldn't go home. I could hear Adam calling out to me saying he didn't mean it but I didn't turn around. I ran until I couldn't breathe, I looked around and seen a park across the way. I walked in and sat at a bench and cried like no one was around.

"Hey I know you." A little girl came into my blurry view. I quickly wiped my tears away so she wouldn't see She was adorable, she had curly brown hair and green eyes. She was wearing a plaid skirt and couldn't be more then 5. She was the girl from the beach. What was her name. Annie? Ari?

"Addie!" I heard his voice boom from the other side of the park. She took off like a bullet to him jumping into his arms and he picked her up and threw her into the air. She screeched with laughter as he caught her. It was different seeing him be so carefree and fun. He looked adorable, that is, until he seen me. His face changed and his body stiffened. Addie didn't seem to notice because she grabbed his hand pulling him in my direction.

I stood up to leave but before I could I felt a small pair of arms wrap around my legs. I looked down to see her smiling face. "Will you go on the slide with me?" She looked at me hopefully as I slowly looked up at Drake. His eyes were hard, shooting daggers threw me as the little girl pulled me to the slides.

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