Chapter 6 Is that a threat?

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Almost an entire week had past since Drake had dropped me off at Janie's. When I walked in she had squealed about how I was in his car, until she had noticed my face. She jumped to all kinds of conclusions about Drake before I had time to stop her. Janie didn't seem as shocked when I told her Adam has been the one to cause the damage. I didn't tell her about the other things he had done, just the bruise. She lectured me about not seeing him again to which I whole heartily agreed to. I didn't want to ever see him again.

My wish seemed to have been granted because Adam hasn't been in school all week. I was thankful for that, I don't know if I could see his face again without combusting into tears. I've pushed the whole thing to the back of my mind and was focused on a pair of green eyes across the lunch room. He's been acting the same way he used to, like nothing had happened in that hotel room. It made my stomach turn at the effect he could give me by just being in close proximity but how I seemed to be a nuisance in his life. It was just like before but this time I only had Todd at my table.

"Hey is Adam ok, he hasn't been here all week and I haven't seen him here today?" Todd had no clue, I made Janie promise to keep it to herself. Especially when she said were going to the police station, I quickly refused but she still took pictures of my cheek and neck. She said it was for evidence just in case.

"He's sick." I said with disgust. I wasn't lying, he was sick just not in the way Todd took it. Todd gave me a funny look about my tone but nodded. I looked back over to Drake, he was still eating his lunch. I pushed my tray away, suddenly not very hungry. I looked up to Todd, he looked at me confused. I didn't want to risk telling him because I knew he would act the same way Janie did, arms flailing ready to kill. She had come to my house everyday this week to help my cover up the mark on my face. It was finally starting to fade away.

"Are you ok Sadie? You've been really quiet lately." He looked at me with care in his eyes. I didn't tell him, I still didn't know him well enough. Janie and him had included me in things all week, her trying to cheer me up and him obeying her wishes. I gave him a small smile.

"I'm.. " I was cutoff.

"She's fine" Adams voice caused me to cower into my chair. He took the seat next to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulders. I know he could feel me shaking but he didn't acknowledge it. The tears burned to be released but I held them in. I pushed over only to feel his fingers digging into my skin.

"There you are bro I was just asking Sadie where the hell you've been." Adam sent me a warning look as he high fived his friend. Todd was oblivious to my discomfort and continued talking away with Adam. I peeked over to Drake, he was coming this way. I didn't want him to do anything to get himself in trouble. I tried to move Adams arm away from my shoulder but he turned to look at me.

"Hey babe what happened to your face" he said tauntingly reaching up to my cheek touching the layers of makeup. I flinched back hard. He gave me a confused look like he didn't understand, he understood, he was playing innocent while everyone was around. Todd was quick to see something was wrong, I pleaded with my eyes that he would tell Adam to leave but he didn't understand.

"Come with me." I looked up to see Drake standing there with a pained expression on his face, like he was debating on whether to help or let me be. Adams grip tightened on my arm when he looked up. Todd seemed to be even more confused then he was before but said nothing, waiting to see what would happen next.

"Like I'de let my girlfriend go off with a psycho like you." Adams voice was loud causing looks to make there way to our group. The word girlfriend caused me to inwardly groan. "What was it you were found guilty of? Murder?" Adam had a sickly smile on his face obviously happy with fanning this dirty laundry out.

Another dumb teen bookजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें