First Kiss At A Party

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Your P.O.V:

I walked in with my girlfriend, Lauren and her band mates, into a celebrity house party.

Lauren held onto my hand as she guided me around the house, soon she let go and I was stuck in the middle of the house, swarmed with people.

I could hear Lauren calling for me but it sounded like it was coming from different directions.

I sigh after I hear Lauren's voice fade away, I start to walk around, looking for my green eyed girlfriend, until I saw the door to the backyard.

I open it and close it behind me, soon seeing that I was the only one out here.

"AND IIIIIIIIIII" Yells/Slurs a voice, I look at the trees to see little ally hanging upside down from it, singing Whitney Houston.

"WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOOOOUUUU" she sings again and soon lets go of the branch, landing on the ground with a thud.

"Son of a Bitch, who put this ground here?!" She yells/slurs and I walk over to her.

"Ally? Are you okay?" I ask and she shakes her head.

"This ground Bitch thinks it can get away with being in my way?!" She slurs again and soon starts to punch the ground with a Viking yell.

I facepalm and watch as she slows down, soon stopping completely and laying on the ground, her ass straight in the air and face in mud.

"Al-" I was cut off my a loud ass snore and I giggle.

I send a quick text to Dinah, telling her that drunk midget Jesus was passed out in the backyard.

I walk over to the pool and take my shoes off, soon dunking my feet in.

I hear a door close and look to see Lauren and Dinah walking out.

Lauren gives me a smile and quickly walks over to me, sitting and taking my hand in hers.

I look behind us, and watch as Dinah drags ally by her legs.

"Come on smallz" she says and continues to drag her.

"YOU'LL NEVER TAKE ME ALIVE!" Ally tells and breaks free of dinahs grasp, soon running/tripping away.

Dinah dashes after her, trying to stop the fast girl.

Lauren and I giggle afterwards, I look at the green eyed beauty and she looks back.

"You had me worried for a while" she says and I giggle.

"Why?" I ask and she smiles.

"I don't want some big time celebrity sweeping you away from me" She says and I smile.

"Well, if you don't want that to happen, then seal the deal" I say and she blushes, knowing what I mean. Lauren and I have been dating for the last four months, all we've done is cheek kiss each other and nothing further than that.

She smiles at me and leans in, resting her hand on the back of my neck.

I close my eyes and lean in, feeling something soon soft land on my lips.

At that moment, I swore fireworks went off, and electricity surged through my veins.

She softly pushes me onto my back, breaking the kiss for a second, but soon reattaching our lips as she hovers above me.

I thought it was weird how we moved in sync so perfectly, and how our lips fit like puzzle pieces, like they were made for each other.

We soon break apart, catching out breathe, she looks at me with a smile and burst her face in my neck, leaving a kiss here and there.

I giggle and wrap my arms around her body, as I was about to close my eyes for a little relaxation, I hear yelling.

"ALLY PUT YOUR CLOTHES BACK ON!" I hear Dinah yell and Lauren I, our heads snap up and we watch as a naked ally in across the yard, high kicking the air.

My eyes widen and Lauren slaps her hand over my eyes, I laugh.

"Lauren, it's not like I've haven't seen the same body parts before" I say and she giggles.

"I know, but I only want you seeing two naked bodies" she says in my ear and I shiver when her breath hit my neck.

Two bodies? Okay, so that means one is mine and the second has to be-

I soon blush and she giggles at me and kisses my blush.

We soon hear a splash in the water and Lauren takes her hand away, I watch as ally swims dramatically.

I take my feet out of the water as she swims my and she waves causally.

I giggle and wave back at the small naked girl.

"Allyson, don't make me come in there, you better come out now and put your god damn clothes on!" She yells and Normani soon appears behind her.

"Why is ally naked in the pool, and dramatically swimming?" Asks Normani and Lauren laughs.

"Ask Jack Daniels" says Dinah as she try's to grab the small girl as she swum by.

Lauren shakes her head and looks at me with a smile.

"Let's get outta here" she says and I nod while standing up with green eyed Cuban.

"Have fun you two, don't kill ally please" Lauren says and the girls wave us off.

Lauren and I giggle as we walked back to her car, soon getting in and driving back to the 5h house.

When we arrive she opens the car door for me and helps me out, I giggle as she pulls me close to her and kisses my face all over.

She soon stops and holds my hand, guiding me to the front door, stopping us in front of it.

"You know, that kiss meant a lot to me, it was our first one as a couple" she says and I smile at her, resting my head against her chest.

"I hope there are more of them to come" I say and she giggles, soon agreeing with me.

"HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN TO ME" sings/slurs a voice and we look over to ally, half of her body hanging out the window.

We quickly ran inside and up to Lauren's room, closing the door and jumping onto the bed laughing.

I soon kiss her gently, causing her to smile and kiss back.

Our night mostly consisted of kisses and drunk ally singing on the top of her lungs.

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