Soulmate Searching Pt: 3

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Your P.O.V:

I have stopped at a gas station after a good four hour drive and fill up my car, I have been bothered by the 'coincidences' about my soulmate and Lauren Jauregui.

There's no absolute way that the one and only Lauren Jauregui is my soulmate...

After I finish pumping gas, I park in the parking lot of the gas station and look through YouTube, finding a interview with just Lauren and wait for the video to load.

Maybe I'm just hearing things-

What the fuck, the sound exactly the same...

My mouth opens with disbelief and my brain starts to race with questions.

I reach to the back of my car and grab the Soulmate guide book, flipping through to see if I had gotten hints about who she was before the dream connection.


If your soulmate is a popular online and Hollywood persona than your electronics will help you even with out you knowing.

1. Any social media will suggest them until followed, and automatically hit the notification bell for Instagram, twitter, or even YouTube.

2. If your soulmate is in the music industry than they will be shuffled on music apps or even your car radio.

I raise an eyebrow and look at my are radio, soon turning it on.

"You ain't gotta go to work, work, work-"

I shut it off immediately and freak out on the inside.


I start to freak out more after realizing that I've had a crush on my soulmate all this time, I look down at the book and continue reading.

3. If soulmate is shown on T.V, your appliance will go to the channel that they are shown when turned on.

"Oh my god, that makes sense, Good Morning America, Jimmy Kimmel, Jimmy Fallon, fucking Ellen!" I say as I look at the book with disbelief.

I guess I have to find out once and for all.

I put the book away and hit shuffle on my phone, soon turning the song up on full blast and continue driving to L.A.

"Always looking over my shoulder cause I don't ever wanna miss you..."

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