Chapter 14- Waiter

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I have a small smile on my face as I look at Britt and Chey interacting. This is the first time I've seen Brittney open up to a person that's not me. They seem to be really hitting it off, which is good because it's hard to make friends in this life. Especially when you're the leader of the mafia's wife.

Wait... why did I call her my wife? We aren't even together.

I'm working on having a girlfriend, though.

"Jake!" Charley says snapping his fingers in front of my face.

"Sorry, I was thinking about work," I mumble.

"Please, you were staring at your girl," he says with a roll of eyes.

"Don't worry man, I do it all the time," Shane says, not ashamed all.

"Yeah well, it would be a lot better if she was actually my girl," I mumble.

"So what are you guys doing tonight?" Charley asks.

"I'm taking Brittney out."

"I promised to watch some show with my wife," Shane says motioning to Cheyenne.

"And Jimmy doesn't drink anymore so it looks like I'm riding solo," Charley says with a sigh, "and it's my last night before I go home."

Charley lives in Florida, he isn't in the mafia anymore, but he used to be. He comes to visit every once in a while.

"You know what I just realized." Shane says as he starts to laugh, "your life is one big country song by Dierks Bentley," he says laughing even harder, "I think it's called 'Am I the Only One.'"

By now tears are streaming down his face as me and Jimmy and Charley watch him with confusion. I look over at Charley and as soon as we make eye contact we both burst out laughing. Jimmy joins us quickly. After a couple minutes of laughing so hard that our stomachs hurt, we calm down.

I look over to the girls and see them both looking at us with a smile. Chey has her eyes solely on Shane. It seems as though Brittney is only looking at me but I can't tell. I'm sure she isn't, she doesn't even want me to touch her. Sure she let me wrap my arm around her, but I had to do it really slowly and I'm sure she didn't want to look rude in front of our guests.


Even though it's risky, I decided to take Brittney to a restaurant that is in the territory of another gang. We should be fine though, I have different men stationed around the restaurant.

"It's really pretty here," Brittney says in awe. I nod.

"Would you like to sit outside?" I ask her and she nods eagerly. We go to a spot outside and I nod at a waiter who quickly grabs menus and follows us outside.

He looks at me intently before smiling at us and takes our order for what we want to drink before dropping off our menus.

"This all looks so freaking good!" She exclaims making me chuckle.


"Here's one margarita for you," the waiter says, giving Brittney her drink, "and one Bud Light for you. So are you guys ready to order?" He asks us.

We both nod, "I'll have a basket of chicken strips and mozzarella sticks." Brittney says.

"And I have boneless wings with fries."

"Okay, we'll have that right out." He says with one last glance at me.

"I can't believe they didn't even card us for alcohol!"

"Being a well-known businessman has its perks. So what did you think go my friends?" I ask her.

"I loved Cheyenne, Shane was really nice and so was Charley, Charley is really funny." She says. I notice that she doesn't add Jimmy, but I already know why. I'm not sure I know how to handle a friendship with him anymore.

"Charley is a really funny guy. He's a country boy at heart and lives in a small town in Florida. He's going home tomorrow, which is kind of sad." I explain, she nods.

"That is sad. I would've liked to get to know him better." I feel a twinge of jealousy in my stomach, but brush it off.

"How long have Shane and Chey been dating?" She asks.

"Eight years."

"Oh," she says with a frown, "well, he better put a ring on that soon, jeez."

I laugh and nod my head, "I totally agree, I've been telling him that, but he's 'waiting for the right time.' Like dude, you've been with her for eight years."


We've been talking for over an hour and have eaten all of our food. We ordered dessert which should be out soon.

It's still really nice outside, perfect really.

Brittney looks at me with a small smile on her face.

"What?" I ask, wiping my mouth to see if there is any good on it.

"Oh nothing, I was just thinking about how our friendship has grown since the first time we met," she says softly.

"You really were the Cinderella."

"And you were my Prince Charming that saved my life, you saved me, Charming."

"You're the best thing that has ever happened to me, Britt."

"You know..." she starts nervously, "I think I l-"

And that's when the shooting starts.


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