Bonus Chapter 4

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This one takes place roughly thirteen years after they adopted Remy.



A tear falls out of my eye, but I have a smile on my face. Looking at the people gathered in my living room, I feel complete.

Cheyenne is playing with Julian, her son. Shane is sitting with Charley, who is holding his new girlfriend on his lap, Veronica. I'm happy for him, he needs someone to keep him in check. Clara is sitting with her two kids, who are getting older now, and her fiance. She doesn't work for Jake anymore, as I told him I wanted to take care of the house. Which leads us to Janice, who is sitting in the corner of the room holding Austin, my youngest son. Last, but certainly not least, is my husband. He's sitting with Remy and Jessica, my daughter's. Remy is sixteen as of today, which is why we are all gathered together.

"Mom! Come over here!" Jessica says, waving her hands at me.

I wipe the single tear that I let slip from my cheek and walk over to her. She looks at me with a big grin and points at Remy who is starting to open her presents.

"She's gonna open mine first! I really hope she likes it, so you think she'll like it?" She asks worriedly. Jessica is always worried, but she's extremely smart, just like her father.

"I'm sure she will Jess, you put a lot of thought into what you gave her." She beams up at me and watches intently as Remy starts to peel the paper off of the gift. A big smile comes to her face as she opens the box and looks inside.

"I-I can't believe you made this." She says quietly as she pulls out the stuffed dog that Jessica hand sewed for her. Remy is a big dog fanatic, and we have many, but her favorite dog, Bingo, her best friend passed away recently. She had that dog since she was six and he never left her side. He was always very protective of her, and she couldn't bring boys over because of him, but she didn't mind. Neither did Jake.

"Do you like it?" Jessica asks hopefully.

"I love it Jessie, thank you so much," Remy responds, I see a tear slip out of her eye and I know she's thinking of Bingo. I walk over to her and give her a hug.

"I know you miss him, but don't forget, he's sitting right by grandma watching over you and barking at every boy that is within a five-mile radius," I say, and lets out a small laugh and nods her head into my shoulder. She picks her head up and wipes her tears with a smile on her face.

"Open mine next!" Austin yells with a grin.

I turn to Jake and smile at him, he grins at me and pulls me into his lap. I give him a kiss on his cheek, and he shakes his head at me.

"Your gonna have to do better than that Princess," He says with a smirk.

"Hmm, I don't think I can."

"Oh, I know you can." He says in a suggestive voice and my cheeks turn red.

"Stop it!" I say slapping him on the chest.

"Gimmie a kiss and I will."


"Fine then, remember that time when we were in Havana and we went and you suggested that w-" I cut him off by kissing him on the lips and I feel him smile before kissing me back.

After Remy opens all her presents, we move to the dining room to eat. We sit and laugh, just like any other family.

Family, what a beautiful word. Family is something you can always count on to be there and back you up. Whether it be a sister, cousin, or close friend, family will always be there to pick you up when you have fallen, and support you in every choice. They won't judge you because of a mistake, because the truth is, we are all human and every single one of us has flaws. People say having your sister or cousin be your best friend is bad. How? How is it bad when you know that that person will never let you down. Friends will come and go, but family will stand by you. Always. Some people don't get along with their parents, or siblings, but they find that one friend in life that will always have there back. That's family.

And I've found mine.
I think this is officially the last bonus chapter, I hope you enjoyed my book. Hit that star one last time!

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