Chapter 32 : I Am Happy!

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" Happiness is intangible....
The more you spread, the more it finds a way towards you....

Sometimes, it just depends on How You to Express Then, How You actually Feel....

LOVE, is what You Have In Your Heart.... But Your Eyes Tells All of It... So, Be Careful In What You Show Rather Than What You have In Heart... 💖
Or It may not be a secret anymore..... "



" You know what, You are correct. The entire mistake is mine. I really did a big mistake marrying you. I regret it. I should better have ran away but then I respect the decisions made by my family and they too were wrong. I failed in this part of my life but it doesn't matter anyway now. But you must know one thing.
Let it be clear in that empty mind of yours.
This baby is only my, it's not yours ...... And my baby is not a mistake. It is the best thing that has ever happened to me. And I it the most in my life..... "

Ahana's words were still ringing in my ears.

I really did a mistake marrying you. I regret it.

Oh!! God!! What did I do? How can I do this?
How can I even say something like this to Ahana? How can I hurt a girl so pure like her? It's a sin to even think like that. I punched hard on the wall. Not once but multiple times until it felt numb and I couldn't feel anything. It gave me a lot of scratches but they seem nothing in front of what mistakes I have committed. My entire fingers and palm was red.

But I have to do what I did. It's for her good. She can never be happy with me. I couldn't forget her words that night. I don't want her to regret it ever...

When she left it felt like she was leaving from my life with my life with her.

My Baby.....

It felt so empty suddenly. After few hours of restlessness I got up from the couch. I just wanted to make sure Ahana didn't leave the house. After all what I did she could have left the house.

I crept slowly in the guest room and saw her sleeping peacefully. I went near her. There were faint tears on her pink cheeks. I stretched my hand to touch her cheeks. But then I withdrew it. I didn't deserve her and neither did she. For the first time I felt tears in my eyes. My cheeks were wet. This time I really had done too much damage.

My Baby.......

There was no doubt that I wasn't happy. I am more than happy. It's the best thing that I have ever experienced in my life.

Ahana was correct, we both were going to have a little one of ours but then there wouldn't be a family. I don't know what Ahana will do tomorrow morning. Will she leave me and take my baby away?

The thought itself was making me shiver. I want to live with her but then I know she will never want that Coz this was forced on her.

And Love can never be forced...

I couldn't stand it anymore. I rushed out.

" Son, still the damage can be repaired, isn't it?"

" Dad!!" I quickly wiped my tears.

" Ansh..... Wiping off the tears won't lessen the pain."

" But... Dad... You don't know..."

" Yes... I don't know what is wrong between you two, but now you need to make things right. Show some maturity. You are going to be a Dad now. I don't want anything to happen to Ahana or to our child because of you or your stupidity."

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