It's Officially My Bday

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Surprise Surprise it's officially midnight (it's actually 12:30am but nobody has to know that) which means it's the first second, minute, hour of my birthday. I'm officially 18. Whoopdiedoo. Congrats me you're officially an adult and you're one year closer to death. I still don't like my birthday. My Dad won't be home until Saturday and I really miss my Hermano DavackStudios (obviously not my irl bro). He's gone on a camping trip and he won't be back until his bday which is on August 10th. I really wish my Dad was here because I don't want to be alone with Erica (my mom) and my bro. I already know it's gonna be a worse birthday than the previous ones since he's not here. Well I'm gonna go to bed now and then in the morning, well I guess it's already morning, later today I'll get my hair done and I plan on getting a Henna tattoo. If you don't know what that is, it's basically a fake tattoo that lasts for a couple weeks. Also I was asked to provide pictures of my hair afterwards so I'll update this chapter with a picture of my hair once it's done. If you want pictures of the tattoo as well just let me know in the comments or pm me. Anyways later peeps and I love y'all! Buh-Bye!

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