Chapter Thirty-Seven: True Colors

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"Forest nee-san!"

And that guys, is the first thing that greeted us after we got out of the portal.

Meadow, shedding oh-so fake tears for her Forest nee-san, acting the pitiful, kind and the worried little sister she is in front of the leaders.

From the start, I really hate Meadow. She's a two-faced vixen (Eventhough I made her like that, considering i'm the one who made the game. Basically. My parents made the game but the story is mine. So it's basically my game. So confusing).

Forest seems to be shocked and taken aback at Meadow's sudden hug as she hugged her little sister back quite awkwardly.

"Ah, Meadow! Quite unexpected to meet you here!"

"Sorry nee-san but i'm just worried about your safety. Earlier, I went to your room to give you these cupcakes I made but then I saw your room empty and that's when I decided to look all over for you in the academy, " Meadow said acting kind as she clings to Forest, "Speaking of cupcakes! I brought some for you. I made them myself."

She brought out a box and opened it widely. Inside are perfect red velvet cupcakes. Noticing us looking, she turned to look sweetly at the leaders and Professor Lex.

Except for me. The only way she acknowledged my presence is by snorting snobbishly while passing by me. Note that she purposely stepped on my foot at the process.

Not that I really care.

Immediately, Meadow shoved the box unto Forest's hands

"Hello. I also made cupcakes for all of you leaders as thanks for saving me few days ago." She said and handed each one of them their own box full of cupcakes. Professor Lex also got one but his are cookies.

Half of the leaders gave thanks to Meadow while the other half who noticed i'm the only one who didn't received gifts from Meadow decided to give me some of their share.

"Hey Amber," Shade said before helding out a cupcake with pink icing, "Want some? You like sweets, right?"

"Yeah, back in Epiphyllum you like to eat sweets. Here, have half of mine." Grey offered generously.

While Seven immediately shoved the whole box to me, "Here. I don't like sweets anyways."

I raised a brow and declined their gifts. I'm not going to eat these things who are made by miss two-faced.

"No need to be shy." They said.

I rolled my eyes. How are the three not noticing that Meadow is already giving me death glares?

Suddenly, I was shoved to the side by Meadow. I gave her a glare because of what she did.

"Seven senpai, Shade senpai, Grey senpai, I made all of these cupcakes pouring my heart and soul into it for you. Please accept it and don't give it to that witc... I mean that girl." Meadow said acting pitiful giving them her signature big, teary eyes.

I saw them falter but then what Forest said snapped them out.

"Are you sure you made these? But I'm pretty confident that these cupcakes are from that famous bakery shop in Galoway called 'Pretty sweet'?"

I saw clearly how Meadow stiffen at Forest's words.

"Onee-san, I made all of these. There's no evidence in what you're saying." She said laughing awkwardly with a hint of malice in her voice.

Forest smirked as she turned the box to the side, revealing a logo of doodled cupcakes and candies with 'Pretty sweet' written on it.

Now that's when Meadow really paled.

I tried to contain my laugh. For someone as the heroine, she should've thought of concealing that logo.

Meadow is a type of heroine who is not born with awesome baking skills. Although she was then given powers by it by some good witch she helped. It will only appear at the near end of the game. Right now, the game is just starting so she doesn't have that baking powers.

In the game, she did gifted the leaders some chocolates and cupcakes before the baking power thing. But she did it with the help of some of her friends who are great in baking like Kesha, Czarina and Danica.

She wasn't able to ask help for them right now because she haven't even met them. She couldn't ask help from Andromeda because she's also bad at baking.

"What's the meaning of this?" Ace asked coldly.

One thing the leaders hate most of all is lying.

Meadow started to become red from embarassment, "Ahh... ehhh..."

"Ihh.... ohh... uhh." I add on to her statement, "Stop reciting the vowels." I stated sarcastically which earned a glare from her.

"Again, what's the meaning of this Grass?" Seven asked.

Grass? Ooh, a sure sign Seven doesn't like a person. Another clue if Seven hates you is that he always forgets your real name or just acts like he forget.

He didn't even spare his fiance, Marlie, he sometimes calls her Marie, Mariel or Macy.

But that is atleast better than Grass.

Meadow frowned, "Grass? My name's Meadow."

"Whatever Forest." Seven said.

"Hey! I'm Forest!" Forest shouted.

Seven scowled, "You sisters with weird nature names."

Whoa, said someone whose both him and his brother's name is a number.

Meadow started crying, with real tears this time, as she stomped her foot angrily.

"Bullying an innocent girl. I only wanted to make friends." Meadow wailed.

"Right, now if you may excuse us Nature, we'll get going." Seven said coldly as he walked pass by her.

Ooh, that was harsh.

A few distance away, I decided to turn around. Only to see Meadow giving me glares that could kill.

She mouthed, 'You're dead.'

I smirk. Bring it on witch. Let's see how your innocent act will hold up.

I turned around and look at Forest, "That was awesome." I commented.

She look at me shyly, "Really? I thought I look nervous back there."

"You were awesome on spilling the truth about that witc...  your sister, I mean."

She smiled, "It's okay for calling her witch. I mean, she really is one. A two-faced at that."

"Right." I said and we both laughed.

"You two! Hurry up. Amber, don't you want the skeleton to get inspected?" Ethan asked grumpily.

I rolled my eyes at him.

"I hate this skeleton." I heard him muttered. I stifle a laugh.

That's what you get for acting all gentleman like. Because before we entered the portal I handed over the skeleton to him. Well, he asked for it. Saying, he should do it because it's absurd seeing a girl holding a skeleton.

"Lets go." Forest offered. I nodded.

I finally made my decision. Instead of turning the harem to Meadow, why not to...


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