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TO BE OH SO cleverly titled 'blonde distraction number one' was demeaning on a multitude of levels. However, I accepted my role with little reluctance because it acted as a perfect excuse to see Kol for the final time. In my head, I planned it out. Before Alaric daggers the vampire, I intended to hand him a mocking letter that would hopefully hurt him like he hurt me. Some would call it revenge, I insisted I needed it for closure.

Neatly, the parchment paper was folded in my pocket, the lightweight growing heavier with each step I took towards the door. Caroline, portraying the second blonde distraction, raised a questioning eyebrow at me to which I answered with a firm, reassuring nod. Doubtful, she waited a moment before wiggling her hips and strutting through the door. I could only chase after her shadow with a clenched jaw and second thoughts.

"I remember her from last night." Kol recalled, rather loudly too. "She looks like a tasty little thing." Satisfied, the man licked his lips.

Emotions bubbled beneath the surface. Ones I didn't recognise. All I did know was that his words stung and they made me forget about any second thoughts. "I'm wounded." I admitted, disguising my honesty with a thick layer of sarcasm. "It only took you a century to move on? I'm millennium material, darling." I breathed out hotly, propping myself onto the stool beside him and his brother. The two us were uncomfortably close.

"Unfortunately, you'd be mistaken. He can't move on and that's an issue for me." Klaus tutted in disapproval, implying I wasn't good enough for his brother. Even if that feeling was buried in my bones, I refused to show it.

"Kol was right, you are a bastard." I said immediately, it was an impulse retort but I noted the way it made the man twitch. "Oh, did that hit a nerve, Niklaus? I forgot you had Daddy Issues...and Mommy Issues, Sibling Issues, Hybrid Issues." I listed, watching how his hand folded in on the beer bottle.

Enraged, the Hybrid thought if just a little more pressure was applied to the bottle then it would be ideal to—— "Caroline!" He bellowed, his focus leaving what could have been a murderous, makeshift weapon and diverting it to the women who chose to make herself known.

She passed him a dead smile, pretty all the same. "Oh it's you." Caroline noted slowly, acting as nonchalant as her minimum high school theatre skills lead her to be.

"Join us for a drink?" Klaus asked, his tone forceful enough to have masked the hope that lingered underneath his words—or at least it masked it well enough for those who hadn't been searching for it. Maybe I would have let the blind desperation go unnoticed if I wasn't looking for a sign, a sign that our plan was working and he was falling into our trap.

MEMORIES ▷ KOL MIKAELSON [1] [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now