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ONE LONG CAR RIDE and two blood bags later, I had arrived in Mystic Falls. Temporarily, at least. Once the Originals had been dealt with and my friends were all safe, I was going to travel around Europe. Stored in the confines of the latest twenty-first century technology was an E-Ticket to Amsterdam, my flight scheduled for in five days time. Deeper within the device was a list of cities, the sights I wanted to see and more. Since I had my talk with Jeremy, I realised there was no point taking my life for granted. Until my trip came around, I had a chaotic five days planned — eliminating millennium old vampires, packing up boxes and school dances galore.

"Red or black?" Caroline pondered, alternating two authentic flapper dresses up against her chest. On the left, she held a dark ruby number, adorned with specs of fine glitter. On the right, she had a dark embellished piece, gold sequin and embroidery popping out.

Undeniably, one perk of being a vampire was having the opportunity to experience different eras. In my life, I lived multiple lifestyles, suffered through the most intolerant trends, experimented with outrageous fashion, amongst other things. Narrowing my eyes at the two garments, my mind drifted to the nights I wore them — and the nights that didn't end with me wearing them. Not long ago, all it took was a little thigh and alluring dance move to have a wild night. Today, people's methods were tasteless and cheap, but I managed to thrive all the same.

"Red." Elena and I chortled in unison, responding to Caroline. On the other hand, Bonnie voted the rival colour.

"Caroline, red looks gorgeous on you because it brings out your eyes." I reasoned, analysing her appearance critically. "Whereas, Bonnie should wear the black because it perfectly compliments her complexion." I snatched the darker dress from my friend, placing it against the witch's small frame before nodding in approval.

Bonnie Bennett was unsure, she wasn't like Caroline or Elena, people didn't vie for her attention, nor did she want them to. Maybe it would be nice, but she was independent and didn't need anybody except herself. In fact, it never crossed her mind to deliberately dress to impress a hall of people she merely associated with. Then there was Caroline Forbes. She was never one to refuse a chance to leave boys — and girls — speechless. For that reason, she was giddy to try on the outfit, knowing she that our group would capture everybody's attention. Predictably, these were not costume shop knock-offs, they were original flapper dresses. Both girls, Bonnie more hesitant than Caroline, soon went away to test out their 'costumes' and chatted eagerly about the explosive night ahead.

I pushed my modern dresses to the left of the wardrobe, searching at the very back for one dress in particular. "White for you, 'Lena." I declared with an incredible determination to find a certain outfit. The ambition was fuelled from the fact I knew it would be the one to make Damon Salvatore's eye twitch and jaw drop. "Ah, got it. I think I have lace detailing around here somewhere too, might need it to cover up the blood stains." I said under my breath, knowing it would only distress the girl otherwise.

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