Chapter 20

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Kyoki POV

Why did they drag me out of my house? I just wanted to be alone. . . That would be best for everyone, but nope! Kakashi dragged me out of my house and to the Old Man's office. Why am I here? I have no clue. Elise was there as well, she shot me a grin when she saw me.

"Kyoki, you still haven't assured me that Elise is trustworthy enough to stay," The Old Man said.

"Once I do that, can I go home?" I asked.

"Nope, you can't lock yourself in your house and hide from the world," The Old Man replied with a smile. 

"I-I wasn't hiding! I just got so fed up with everyone's stupidity I needed a break!" I retorted. The Old Man smiled even more. . . Fucking stutter.

"Whatever you need to tell yourself to sleep at night, Kyo," Elise chimed in. "Well, that is if you were sleeping, but I guess you've been having nightmares again. The bags under your eyes are back," Elise added.

"S-Shut up!" I growled. Why am I stuttering?!?!

"Who knew you could get flustered," Kakashi commented. My eye twitched.

I sighed, "Can we please just get this done with? The sun is too bright, I don't people, and I want to go home."

The Old Man chuckled at that, since when am I funny? "Alright, Kyoki, what is your reasoning for us to allow Elise to stay?"

". . . I don't have any."

"I THOUGHT WE WERE FRIENDS!" Elise yelled. The Old Man and Kakashi both sweat dropped.

"Didn't you say you've known Elise since you were kids?" Kakashi questioned.

"Yeah, but I didn't have any reasoning planned out for why she should be trusted. I'm not sure how to get people to trust someone I've trusted my entire life and I trust with my life. That's all there is to it," I explained.

"Awe, I feel so loved," Elise beamed. Did I make a mistake saying that? Kakashi and the Old Man exchanged a few looks.

The Old Man spoke first, "You actually trust someone with your life? She must be a miracle worker. If she promises to stay in line I can grant her a temporary pass until the Chunin Exams are over. Unfortunately, I can't do more than that since we don't have anything other than your word saying she's trustworthy. I'm sorry, Kyoki."

"Why are you apologizing? You didn't do anything. I should be apologizing," I mumbled.

"Why?" Kakashi suddenly said.

I shook my head, "Nevermind, it's nothing."

"So, I just gotta promise not to harm the Village?" Elise asked and the Old Man nodded. "Well, I don't wanna harm the village anyways, it's nice and homey!"

"You know what else is homey? My home, speaking of- May I return there now?"

"Actually, I have something else I need to discuss with you," Kakashi spoke up.

"Shit," Was all I could say.

Time Skip

"So, why are we here?" I asked. Kakashi had brought me to the training grounds, where we completed our first test somehow.

"What's your chakra nature?" Kakashi suddenly asked.

"Why do you want to know?" I questioned. Since, I didn't have a jacket I probably couldn't hide I was suspicious very well.

"I don't think you know your own chakra nature, that's all there is to it," Kakashi said. Elise, who had followed us, snickered.

"Of course I know my chakra nature,"  I retorted.

"What is then?" Kakashi said, he was most probably smirking under that mask of his.

"Water," I blurted out without thinking.

"Prove it," Elise said before Kakashi could. I glared at Elise and she grinned.

"I don't feel like it," I said. If they'll stop interrogating me then I could go home. That would be lovely. Since I don't have any shade, I've realized how much I hate the sun. It's too bright. Maybe if it was nighttime I'd be okay with this. Probably not, I just want to go home.

Kakashi suddenly pulled out a piece of paper? Wait, is that chakra paper? "Then just focus some of your chakra into this and we'll see if your chakra nature is actually water," Kakashi said. Fucking bastard, he knows I'm lying.

"Fine then," I growled as I snatched the paper from his hand. Please, oh please, be water. I focused a small amount of my chakra into the paper and it wrinkled, dammit.

"Alright, let's get to training," Kakashi said.

"What?" I asked.

Time Skip

What the hell? Why did Kakashi waste time today training me? I don't get it. He could've been helping Naruto or Sasuke, but he took time to help me. I really don't get these people. I also wasn't expecting that guy to have such tough training. God, I'm tired. It probably doesn't help that I haven't been sleeping recently.

On my way home, from training, I ran into Sakura. "Oh hey Sakura," I said. I still don't know what happened during the preliminaries, but man this is awkward.

"O-oh, u-uhh, hey, Kyoki," Sakura said, clearly wanting to get away from me. Before I could try to apologize she spoke again, "I-I have to go, bye." She quickly left after that. I'm such a horrible person, aren't I? Why am I so horrible?

Time Skip

My back slid down the wall. I had just returned from training. Nakimasu's head raised to look at me. "What is it?" I asked, he just ignored me and laid his head back down. Dumb snake. As I sat with my back against the wall, my mind wandered.

Soon, they'll hate me even more, I'll be a traitor, I'll be- Kyoki Kowareta. That's a person I don't want to be. That person obeys every order, without question. I thought I wasn't that person anymore, but I guess people really can't change who they truly are. Me included.

I'm just a pathetic little brat, who's weak and couldn't even save his brother. I couldn't protect Sasuke, Naruto, or Sakura. Sasuke has the curse mark because I wasn't there to protect him. If I had been there, maybe things would be different. If I had been faster and stronger, Shoki wouldn't be dead and my squad would be okay. Everything's falling apart.

Sasuke's going to leave and follow Orochimaru, that's a given. Naruto and Sakura will fall apart after that. . . And before all that, I have to betray them and attack the village. They'll definitely want me dead after that. . . If they don't already. I mean Sakura's still terrified after whatever happened in the Preliminaries. I-I-I'm so sorry!

I never wanted any of this. I didn't mean to fuck everything up. I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry. I want to protect all of you, but I can't. I can't. You all can't be safe with me around. . . I'm sorry.

Nakimasu POV

My attention was grabbed by the sound of crying. I opened my eyes and raised my head to look at Kyoki. He was hugging his knees and was trying to hide his face. He was crumbling. Every last pillar of support he had is collapsing. His crying turned into sobbing. It honestly made my heart hurt hearing it, I'd never admit it though.

My eyes widened at the object that glinted in his hand. He raised his head and looked at what was in his hand. A sorrowful smile appeared on his lips.

I opened my mouth to say something, but nothing came out. I can't let him do this.

Third POV

Kyoki's hand raised, in his grip was the knife he always carried. He pointed it as his neck and just smiled. "I'm sorry," he mumbled as he plunged the knife towards his throat.

Before, the knife could connect it was ripped from Kyoki's hand. The knife was basically thrown across the room as Kyoki was pulled into someone's chest. Kyoki grabbed onto them and erupted in sobs once again.

"Why?" he somehow managed to get out.

"Because I you're my friend and I don't want to lose you," An all too familiar voice said. Kyoki pulled himself away from the person's chest and looked up.


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