Chapter 23

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Kyoki POV

"You ready for this, Kyo?" Elise asked as we walked into the arena.

"Nope," was my response. 

"So, where's Naki?" Elise asked and in response Naki poked his head out of my new jacket. I don't have the hood up, but oh well a jacket is a jacket. Elise nodded and Naki retreated back into my jacket. Elise went into the stands and I went to the center of the arena. While waiting for Naruto and Sasuke, guess the gay lovers were having some alone time and forgot, Takumi kept tapping his foot and sighing, I guess he really wanted to get this over with.

Finally, Naruto arrived, but still no Sasuke. He might've joined Orochimaru already, but I doubt it. He wanted to fight that Gaara dude so he'll probably show up eventually. So, the procter dude, I think his name's Genma or something, started talking and he made us look at a new and improved version of the match line up. Nothing really changed except Shikamaru was now going against Temari. I don't know why he couldn't have just told us that, but oh well. My match was going to be fourth, so yaaaaaay.

Today, was going to be absolutely awful.

Time Skip

After, Shikamaru and Temari faced off to fill time until Sasuke arrived Takumi and I headed to the arena as the next set of filler. As soon as Genma said start, Takumi charged at me with his fist raised. I pumped chakra to my feet and dodged with ease. Takumi grinned and put his hand on the hilt of the katana strapped to his waist.

I reflexively went for my knife, which just made Takumi grin more. He definitely grinned like a fox. He charged again, this time though he turned into a fox and jumped at me, I dodged again. Honestly, if I wasn't a bitch who knows how to cheat, I would find this unfair.

Naki slipped out of my jacket and down my leg onto the ground. He hissed at Takumi, who had stopped in his tracks. Takumi growled in response, I rolled my eyes and threw my knife at Takumi's tail. Unfortunately, he just barely moved out of the way in time.

"Let's just get this over with," I said and Naki lunged at Takumi, who rolled out of the way. Naki hissed, he was as annoyed and I gotta agree with him on that one. I just want this all to be over with. Takumi turned back into a human and smirked at me.

"What's with you? Come on, bring the other guy out, at least he'll put up more of a fight," Takumi tried to antagonize me. Naki glanced at me as if making sure I was still me.

"Why should I put forth more effort than necessary?"I asked and Takumi's eye twitched.

"You're just so much better than everybody, right?!-" Before Takumi could continue I cut him off.

"Not everybody, just you." That seemed to aggravate him even more. Takumi pulled out his katana and growled at me. He charged at me and I pulled out my knife. As he got closer I sidestepped away from his katana and pressed my knife against his throat. "Forfeit," I growled.

"No way," he replied with a seemingly strained smile. He knew that Naki was behind him and if he tried to move Naki would attempt to destroy his ankles. He must have some sort of plan, but what is it?

Before I could find out, there was suddenly a mini tornado with leaves or something, and Sasuke and Kakashi were standing in it's place once it dispersed. Takumi smirked before charging at Kakashi and Sasuke. My feet reacted before my brain did. Next thing I know, I'm standing in front of Sasuke and I've been stabbed.

"Not gonna lie, I'm impressed your brain was able to come up with a plan on such short notice," I said to Takumi, ruining his good mood.

"I should've gone for your throat."

"That would've been smarter," I agreed.

"Kyoki, are you okay?" Kakashi asked. Kinda surprised it wasn't Sasuke who asked the dumb question this time.

"Yeah of course- No I've fucking stabbed why the ever-loving fluff would I be alright?" I couldn't stop myself from getting sarcastic. Naki had changed into a human and ran over to me. He glared at Takumi before grabbing the collar of his shirt.

"I don't care if you were basically my little brother, if Kyoki dies because of you, I will kill you myself," Naki growled and released Takumi. Why would he pick me over someone who was basically his brother? That makes no sense. He doesn't deserve to lose his brother, especially not because of me.

Oh no.

Elise. She was watching the match from the top of the stadium. My eyes scanned for Elise and when I spotted her, white wings had appeared on her back and she had Ragnarok in her hands. I reflexively grabbed Takumi's wrist and pulled him into my chest and out of the way. If I hadn't Elise would've decapitated him, considering she flew past right when I did that.

"The bastard may have stabbed me, but don't kill him," I said as Elise landed properly.

"He deserves it though," Elise muttered, her bangs hid her face.

"For once I agree with her, not like anyone would miss the guy," Naki cut in. He voice was colder than I've ever heard it before. Takumi backed away from me, his eyes showed how much Naki's words hurt him.

"That girl would, Miki. He's her big brother, she hasn't done anything to deserve to be alone," I replied.

"She was supposed to attack you," Elise said, her voice was ice cold as well. I don't like this.

"Elise, Naki, don't condemn yourselves, especially not for me," I said. 

"Neither of you are allowed to harm Takumi, even if what he did was wrong. A proper punishment will be decided later. For now, we need to focus on Kyoki," Kakashi said. Oh right, there's still a katana in me. 

"We'll take him to the infirmary," Elise said as her wings disappeared. Naki nodded and he grabbed my arm and put it over his shoulders. I would insist I can walk on my own, but these two wouldn't listen.

After, I got all bandaged up and we were left alone, Elise sighed, "Why'd you save that guy? He deserves to hurt."

"I don't want you two to condemn yourselves. I have to do something, something that's absolutely awful, and I'll need your all's help, but if things work out how I'm planning you two won't be blamed."

"What do you need our help with?" Naki asked. He had been surprisingly silent until now.

"Attacking the Leaf."

Akuma: Heyo, sorry if this chapter was all over the place. Also, sorry for the wait. As always, thanks for reading~

The Insanity Of A Genius (Naruto Fanfic)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora