Chapter 5

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It was quiet. Sure to quiet for Tyler to think; what was wrong with him, why couldn't he think of something better to do then just lay on his bed and cry. Surely his siblings were all at their friends houses that they had already made in just being at school for a couple of days. He started to cry, thinking about why they moved in the first place; Tyler had gotten bullied a lot, not to mention he struggled with depression before hand so the bulling and lack of attention payed at home didn't help him much. It had gotten so bad that he tried hanging himself, but the rope he was using snapped, the sad thing was no one in his family would have known until he started to fake being sick just so he wouldn't have to go to school. After a trip to the doctor, that's when he broke, telling the doctor and his mom everything, so for Tylers health they movied, but it seemed moving only made it worse because his self harming was never as bad as it was now.

He felt bad, like he ruined his faimlys life. His dad had a great job as a basketball coach, he might not have been paid as much but was happy. His younger brother, Zack, was popular, had a lot of freinds and was in a bunch of school activities; he was really mad about having to move. The other two of his siblings didn't care as much. It was his mom's idea, saying how it would give the whole family a chance at a better life.

He felt his phone go off underneath him he had probably fallen asleep on it. He looked to see there was a message from Josh, he forgot he had given his number.

I can tell that you read that

Please talk to me

Tyler set his phone on the night stand crying more, he was to sad to text back. He thought Josh shouldn't be friends with a kid who's as messed up as he is.

I'm sorry if I did something wrong
Tyler is typing....

Promise me something (a joshler fan fiction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora