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Ari picked up her tools and started off to work, watching from over her shoulder Sideswipe observed making sure everything was done correctly.

Grabbing a tool she began to tighten the lose ends. Sideswipe gasped and pointed to the tool.

"W-WHERE DID YOU GET THAT!?!?!?" he shouted. Ari picked it up and glanced at the bot then at the tool. She raised a eyebrow.

" You mean a wrench?" The teen asked.

The mech nodded.

" Keep.That.Away!" He shouted. Ari gave him a amused look.

" Ok, so I need this for work, but I'm not going to throw it at you, sheesh.... "

" Those things come from Unicron himself....." the mech mumbled.

Ari craned her neck and turned to look at the Autobot.

" Unicron? Or Unicorn?"

" What's a unicorn?" The mech asked.

" long story " that Said at the same time. The two stared at each other for a while in surprise.

" So...how's the machine going? " he asked. Ari kept her eyes glued to her project.

" I should be done in a hour or so....." she replied while she worked.

Sideswipe turned around and sat next to his brother. It scared him that he couldn't sense him through their twin bond, Primus they would both be dead if it wasn't for that human. He laid a servo on his brother. He could barely feel the week pulse of his spark. He sighed and rested his helm against the wall...just waiting....


Sideswipe checked his processors again, he had been sitting for twenty minutes.

He groaned, standing up he began to pace the room.

Ari growled, his walking caused the table to jump.

" Stop! Pacing!" She hissed in aggravation. The mech paused for a second and stopped. Bringing her focus back to her work, she continued in silence.

She worked peacefully utill the feeling of someone watching her bothered her. Ari turned and looked over her shoulder. Sideswipe was watching her work intently.

" Are you done yet?" He asked.

" no...." she answered turning back to her work.

" Howww bout now?!"

" No...you just asked me five seconds ago...." Ari replied. The bot was silent for a while, meaning two minutes.

" Are you done now?"

Ari rolled her eyes and growled.

" no "

" Ok....now?"

Ari quickly turned around and threw the closet object at him.

Sideswipe yelped.

"NUUUUUU!!!! Not the wrench!" He shouted. The teen glanced at the wrench and smiled evily.

Ari shot from her chair and sprinted towards the wrench. The Autobot beat her to it. Sideswipe grabbed the tool and crushed it in his servo.

" ha!" Laughed the mech proudly, throwing the former wrench to the ground.

Ari watched as it fell to the ground with a loud " clank "

The girl smirked at the bot.

" So you destroyed it....eh, well if you didn't notice, I'm a mechanic.....and I always have more wrenches....."

Keep The SunnySide Up! ( TF Gen1 Fanfic )Where stories live. Discover now