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Shocksave gave a content nod as a decepticon showed him the results of the production of synthetic energon. The once blue tinted storage room now had a green hint from his new product.

" At this rate of production, it is logical to assume we should have enough to supply the entire Decepticon army." The one eyed scientist informed the important foot soldier who was standing next to him, who was responding in agreement, more so because he valued his life and disagreeing with Shockwave had more then once proven to be...


Observing his handiwork, the purple con picked up a newly made cube and examined to carefully, the green glow reflecting off his servo. The mech turned his attention to foot soldier.

" You." He announced in a superior tone. " Bring me the con we first tested this on, bring me....Steve"

~ old Transformers music plays as the con insignia turns to the Autobots

Sideswipe expertly snuck away from the old farm house, and headed for the barn. There was a suspicious helicopter behind that large wooden building, and he had to investigate, and besides, human energon was delicious but didn't faze well with cytrobian systems. Ignoring his now growing stomach, the mech in his holoform dove behind a nearby bush, then army crawled under a broken down Ford.
      ( Heh, no kidding )

" I'm pretty sure this is how humans do it...." the red bot whispered to himself as he left under the broken junk car and crouched walked to the side of the wooden barn. Brushing his dark hair out of his eyes, Sideswipe peered around the corner to see a orange and white whirly bird parked in a old cattle pasture. Walking up to the flying machine, the autobot twin observed it, and noticed a small red symbol on the front of it.

" Aha....gotcha." the terror twin whispered in triumph. Taking a step back, Sideswipe pointed a finger at the helicopter.

" Alright pal!" He announced. " I know who you are.....well who you work for!" He added with an athoritive air. For several seconds Sideswipe watched the orange and white air transportation do nothing, the only sound was the soft wind blowing behind him. Sighing, the twin walked up and shook his head.

" Come on, I'm a fellow Autobot, I need to know some info concerning Prime."

At the mention of the autobot leader,the helicopter stirred to life. Sideswipe stumbled back when he heard the whirl of a t-cog and watched as a orange and white bot transformed.

He wasn't a big bot, but he wasn't small either, he wad glaring at Sideswipe suspiciously through his blue visor, which the holofied bot returned with a grin.

" Sup " the twin greeted with a nod of his head, causing his annoying hair to fall in his face. The bot sighed.

" Hi, I'm Blades, I'm a rescue bot." He replied in a....higher then expected voice. Sideswipe held back a laugh on hearing his voice and returned his greeting.

"I'm Sideswipe, I worked with Optimus at the beginning of the war and even after we got on earth....but due to some, technical difficulties I can't find my brother and I need Optimus's help. Ya know anything on his location?"

The rescue bot shook his helm.

" Sorry, but for safety reason, we aren't allowed to know the location." The helicopter replied. " But if it helps, I can ask Heatwave or Chase, maybe they can help with something."

Sideswipe shot him a concerned look.

" Wait....you said Chase, like Ultra Magnus's son Chase?! Cause I'm already on Mag's bad side......"

" ULTRA MAGNUS IS CHASE'S SIRE!?!?" the bot shouted in surprise, then getting a thoughtful look.

" Ya know....that makes sense, but why didn't he ever say anything....." he whispered more to himself then Sideswipe.

" Have you met the bot?!" The twin exclaimed. " He's almost as bad as Prowl!"

Blades shot him a confused look at tilted his helm.

" Prowl? " he asked " Who's Prowl?"

The dark haired bot in his holo gave him a befuddled look.

" Prowl....ya know, white and black police car? Red helm spikes?"

" Nope...sorry " the rescued bot answered with a shrug.

" Come on....he's like Ultra Magnus, but without Ultra Magnus's warmth, sense of humor and people skills." Sideswipe added. Blades shook his helm again.

" Sorry, I was stassis for a long time...I missed most of the war."

" huh....lucky." the red twin replied. " So why are you here?"

" Can I ask why you claim to be a Autobot, but yet you look human?" He shot back. The red mech sent him a puzzled look.

" I'm in my holomatter....duh."

" Holomatter?"

" You know, soild light matter that is able to help us blend in with different species."

A light bulb went on in Blades.

" Oh like this?!" He said excitedly, as his bi-ped mode disappeared and a short Poland looking boy appeared.

" What happened to your...bigger self?"

" Its still there, I've cloaked it, so I can blend in....I can't try to do anything though...."

" Bro...." Sideswipe said seriously. " You need to get that upgraded, or how else are you going to flirt with human females, because...heh why not?!"

" W-Why w-would I-I d-do t-that?!"  The young bot stuttered nervously. Side swipe winked at the rescue bot.

" Oooh you already have a gal? What's her name? Is she cute?"

"W-What....n-no.....well I have a friend, but she's cute,  s-she's not mine, we're just friends that work together all the time and she's really nice and always making get over my fear of heights and is a great flyer and-"

" So you like her?" Sideswipe interrupted, slightly annoyed at his rambling.

" I-I never said that!" Blades defended, a distraught look plastered on his face plate

" Ooooh so you do! Denial is the key my friend, what's her name?" The autobot frontliner asked, Causing the other to blush a bright blue. But their conservation was brought to a halt when a door slammed shut and someone was running towards them. Both turned around to see who it was. A short haired teen in a flying jumpsuit was running at them, both bots raised a eyebrow

" Dani?!" The two said at his same time.

( A/N

Yayyyyy!! I finally updated! Thank you all for being patient! Its finally out! I hope you enjoy!! ~ Sheik1998)

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