Chapter three

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“You have to be kidding me.”

Is the first thing I mutter as I walk through my door and into my dorm room. Kayla stands proudly in the small space, her hands on her hips, smiling at me.

It wasn’t the pose that was bothering me; it was more of what she has on.

She has this sparkly half shirt that wrapped around only her boobs, to where her stomach is showing and her belly button rings art dangles at the end. She smiles at me and I shut the door as she starts to twirl, showing off the matching sparkly skirt.

“You look like a prostitute.” I tell her honestly, throwing my bag on the bed, my body following right behind it. On the floor clothes of all sorts are spread through the small space and her twin bed looks like a war zone of fabrics. When Kayla and I decided to share a dorm room, I should have known better.

She was messy, never cleaned up anything of hers, and always came in late from doing only god knows what. She would rather stay out late and party then come home and study. It’s just who she is.

She rolls her eyes and heads toward our only mirror, the time trying to pump her hair. I watch, really not caring, as she starts to put on lip gloss with her pinkie finger.

Okay, I really needed a life if I was laying here watching my sister put on make-up.

Honestly though, I have no idea where she could be going at two in the afternoon looking like that.

All the clubs didn’t open till at least ten and any party around here, hosted by no other than drunken idiot college guys, didn’t start till at least twelve. Most of the sororities didn’t really start going all out until around November, and even if they did, it was more greek themed than anything.

For all I know, she was probably on her way to go prey on the male species. It’s the kind of thing she loves to do. She smacks her lips together loudly and smiles at me through the mirror.

“Prostitute? Really? I’m just expressing my mood.” She runs her hand over her bare stomach seductively and I lift my head and raise an eyebrow at her outfit again.

“Is the mood 'I want you to take me out back and do things to me that you only see in movies.' kind of mood?” She turns her head to the side and just looks at me. She didn’t understand half the time why I disapproved of what she did, but even when I tried to approach the subject, she shut me down.

“I was thinking something along the lines of 'I am an independent person and I couldn’t care less about what you think about me.’”

This is how my twin sister is. She thinks women have the right to dress any way they want and act anyway they want. She believes in equal rights and things wholeheartedly that women should embrace who they are and what they are.

And I totally agree. I am all for the woman's rights and stuff, but there comes a time when you know you shouldn’t act a certain way.

Women should be independent and be able to dress the way they want, but she takes things to the extreme. There are creeps out there that could take advantage of her in an instant. Creeps that don’t care that no means no. Creeps that are willing to do anything as long as they are satisfied in the end.

Kayla thinks she could handle herself, I know she can, but I’m scared one day she will meet someone stronger and bigger and I might not be there to help her. If that day comes, I wouldn’t even begin to know what to do. I’m supposed to protect her from the world, not let her fall prey to it.

My sister is the only good thing I have left.

I close my eyes and sigh. First Julio and now Kayla. Man, this year was just getting better and better.

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