Chapter five

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“I was thinking tonight actually.”

I’m currently standing in front of our mirror, doing my hair, when Kayla decides to drop the sentence of the year. Jerking around, I watch as Kayla shrug her shoulders, half her head hanging off the bed. Her black hair swings to the floor and I watch it go back and forth as her eyes stare up at me.

The statement wouldn’t have been bad if it wasn’t for the fact that it was Sunday. Seven o’clock at night on a Sunday. There was no way in hell that I was going to a club a night before I had a class in the morning.

This is Kaylas thing. She’s the one who can handle getting drunk and going to class sobor. I, on the other hand, am a horrible drinker. I’m about as bad as Mia, who when drunk, likes to get naked and parade around in the nude.

Kayla must see the ‘look’ come over my face because she groans and turns her head and uses her stomach muscles to bring herself fully back on her bed. She folds her legs under her, forcing hair behind her ears before making her convincing statement

“Come on Kelsey! You never go to the clubs anymore. And tonight I heard is half drink night. You know what that means.”

I sigh and shake my head in the mirror. Kayla seemed to always get me into these kinds of situations. It would either be girls night or open bar night, and she just had to have me come along.

This is how it usually went: I would drink with her, she would get wild, and Mia would be
somewhere behind her, and I would have to help them out of somewhere half naked or pry them off some poor guy.

Not that the guy complained or anything, it was just the fact that with my sister there was no such thing as “Just one drink.” Plus, if I drunk too much, she would have to be carrying me out of the club.

I mean what I say by I don’t want to go, but by the look on Kayla’s face I know she will go without me. She will literally go to this half off drink thing and leave me behind without even thinking about the consequences.

And since, one: I have no idea how she is going to get drinks and two: I have no idea how much trouble she could get in, I know I have to go. If I don’t, there is a high chance Kayla won’t make it back in time to make it to class.

Plus, Kayla always seems to get in trouble when going out.

Oh, damn it! And I really wanted to stay inside and watch the new episode of the Real Housewives of New Jersey.

Hey, that stuff is addicting people!

I snatch my shirt off my dresser and head out into the hallway so I can get some fresh air. If I’m going to go through with this thing later, I needed to have a few minutes to myself.

I pull my arms through the sleeves of my jacket as I shut the door behind me. A few girls linger down the hallway, laughing and hanging out. Apparently for them, this was the last hours they could get in before classes started back up.

Luckily for Mia, she doesn’t stay in the dorms. Her and Aiden rented out an apartment together and come whenever they have have too. Between Aiden’s financial aid and Mia’s new job, it was enough for them to scrap by at an apartment.

They asked me if I wanted to join, but living in a house with them too? Alone? Doing only things God will know?

No thank you. I’ll stick with my housewives show any day.

I slip my hood over my head and  pull out my car keys that I still had in my pocket from earlier today and head out. It was risky to drive out when everyone was heading back, especially if you have an illegal parking space as a freshmen, but sometimes it’s worth the risk.

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