5. Destiny awaits

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Buda, Summer 1351    

     Elizabeta was wearing her dark, wavy hair loose and had a crown of flowers and ribbons that she made placed on her head.  The fair that she was at was a festive place, and people of all social standings had come from all around Hungary to be there.  Earlier, there had been a jousting tournament.  The king had taken part in it, and had won over all of his opponents.  Now there were booths set up where merchants and craftsmen were selling their goods.  They had come from all over the known world, including Asia and Africa.  Food was being made, food from all over the world, and a feast was beginning.  This fair was like the ones Elizabeta often attended on the Adriatic coast when she was a little girl.  This one however, was larger and grander.     

     Elizabeta, Maria, Anna, and Matilda were standing in a corner, eating some type of exotic fish that they have never tried before.  The girls were having a merry time, talking and laughing. 

"It looks like Agatha is buying plenty of gifts here.  She sure is desperate to please the king."  Elizabeta said.  

"Everyone knows that she'll do anything for him."  replied Matilda.  Agatha was the king's latest mistress.  She too was present at the fair.  

"Agatha better realize that the king has to marry again someday soon.  I'm sure she won't be happy.  She seems to think that the king is all hers!"  Elizabeta said.  

"And you won't let the king have a mistress once you marry him, isn't that right, Queen Elizabeta."  said Maria.  

Elizabeta laughed.  "If I marry him.  But I think that he sees our family as too inferior to marry into the Angevins."  

"If my betrothed does live, I'm sure he'll have no mistresses since he will already be married to me when he comes of age."  Anna joined in.  "I will not let him take another."    

     Lately there had been rumors going around the court that the king and his mother were considering Elizabeta as his bride.  Elizabeta was fully aware of these rumors, but deep inside she felt that nothing would ever come of them.  She did not have the Capet/Angevin connections that were highly desired for a king like Lajos.  

     Anna, Matilda and Elizabeta's other companion, Beatrix, had noticed that Elizabeta had opened up a lot in the months since her arrival at court.  She was overcoming her homesickness, making new friends, and excelling in her education.  Earlier her father had received tear-stained letters from her, saying how miserable and lonesome she was in this strange land.  Now her letters had lightened up, and she was talking about how glad she was to be there.  Stephen now felt that he had made a perfect choice, by choosing the Hungarian court for his daughter's higher education.        

"Elizabeta! Anna! Matilda! Maria! You have got to see this!"  Beatrix came running towards them.  She grabbed Elizabeta's hand. "Come here!"  

Beatrix led them to a closed tent that had an exotic decor.  "There is an old Moorish woman in there who can help people see into their own futures."  she said.  "There is a mirror in there, and when you look through it, you can see your future self.  I saw my future self with a handsome husband and a lot of children.  There were flowers blooming all around us.  The wise woman told me that this means that there is fertility in my future.  I will bear many children."  

Matilda had a skeptical look on her face.  "I think all this 'future' and 'fortune' stuff is nonsense.  The church scorns it anyways."  

"Why don't you just give it a try."  Elizabeta said.  

"Yes, Matilda, give it a try."  Beatrix, Anna and Maria joined in.  

Beatrix looked at Elizabeta, Matilda, Anna, and Maria.  "Which one of you will try it first?"  

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