12. The Whore must go

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Buda, February 1354 

Lajos' recovery was quick.  By Christmas he was walking again, but with a crutch.  When February came, he was full on walking and back to riding his horse.   Agatha was still his shadow, as Elizabeta was Elzbieta's shadow.  Lajos was affectionate towards his young wife, but he would still not invite her to his chamber at night.  He kept Agatha with him, but felt his interest in her was wearing off.  He could tell that Agatha was still attached to him, and he wondered when he should let her know he was done.  

One night during their lovemaking, Agatha noticed that Lajos was not as enthusiastic as he used to be.  She rolled off of him with a frustrated look.

"It's all about Elizabeta, isn't it?  You spend every free hour you have with her, and now you are giving her more gifts than you give me.  You love her more than me, don't you?" 

Lajos did not know what to say.  "I still love you, Agatha." he said in a dry voice lacking passion.  Not wanting to argue any further, he said "I'm going to sleep.  Goodnight."

Agatha got out of the bed and stood by the window, looking out into the night.  She heard that many a king would eventually tire of a mistress.  Was the best time of her life about to end?   


The young queen had won the hearts of many people in the Hungarian court.  Hearing about Elizabeta's occasional hot temper, they feared that she would be a frivolous young woman, who lusted after material possessions, dressed immodestly, flirted with courtiers, and would be bored by religious and state matters.  To their relief, she turned out to be the exact opposite.  While she did have a liking for precious jewels, she did not flaunt them.  She was not one to brag either.  She always dressed as a queen should, she never wore any scandalous clothes.  She was completely faithful to Lajos, her eyes would never wander at the sight of a handsome young man.  She attended mass regularly, and was also willing to do so.  She showed a interest in politics, but for that, she could play no part.  It was partially because of her youth, and it also had to do with the fact that Elzbieta was unwilling to share her queenly duties with her young daughter-in-law.  Overall, the young queen was prevented from wielding any power or making any major decisions, and her only role was to provide heirs, which so far, she had seen no sign of that happening in the near future.      


Elizabeta bounced her niece on her lap, and sung a song to her.  Once she was done, the child said "again, again."  This girl was named Erszebet- the Hungarian form of her name, and she was about eighteen months old.  She was the daughter of Istvan and Margarete, and she was currently second in line for the Hungarian throne behind Istvan.  Margarete was currently pregnant with their second child, and Lajos, Istvan, and Elzbieta were hoping it would be a boy, so the Hungarian Anjous would continue.  

Margarete and Istvan watched Elizabeta play with their daughter.  She would make a great mother, Margarete thought.  Eventually, Erszebet started to feel sleepy, and Margarete called for her nurse to put her to bed.  

"Margarete, Istvan, you are always willing to listen to me unlike some other people." Elizabeta said. "I must confess that I have scarcely been spending nights with Lajos in the eight months we've been married.  He would tell me that he is tired, and wants to spend the night alone, and with me in his bed, his won't get much sleep.  However, he is clearly lying to me.  He is still attached to Agatha.  He is spending his nights with her instead.  That whore has got to go."  

"He is making a visit north next month." said Istvan. "I think that it is best that you drive her off while he is gone."  

Elizabeta shook her head. "He is taking her with him.  I overheard that talk from some of the courtiers.  He never wants to be separated from Agatha." 

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