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Hoseok was the first person that ran to the bathroom. Jimin and Tae were close behind.

"What is going on?!" He exclaimed when he saw the two boys.

"He was getting dressed and his scar freaked him out. I think he is hallucinating again!" Jin had started crying out of fear. Yoongi flinched and screamed again.

"Yoongi! Listen! It's Hoseok!" Hoseok told Yoongi. The cat turned his head towards Hoseok and seemed to snap out of the waking dream.

"Hobi!" He lunged out of Jin's grip and into Hoseok's arms. He sat down and breathed deeply. Then he smiled shakily.

"I'm ok now. I heard you and knew they couldn't take Jin-hyung." Yoongi turned and locked himself into a hug with Jin.

"It's ok little Kitten, everyone is fine." Hoseok said and kissed Yoongi on the cheek after he finished hugging Jin. Yoongi turned Hoseok's head and kissed him on the nose before he followed Tae into the kitchen. Hoseok turned and helped Jin up.

"Thank you for taking care of him. You out do yourself," Hoseok said. Jin rubbed the back of his head.

"Really, it's nothing. I want to do this. Nothing should happen to him after all he went through in a single night," Jin smiled and looked around Hoseok. "Let's go get some soda and see if Yoongi wants to play with the laser pointer again." Jin grabbed a few cans of soda from the fridge and Hoseok picked up the laser from the table where Nam-Joon left it.

Yoongi was sitting at the table when he saw the red bean of light flash by the TV stand. Immediately stuck on catching it, he crouch on his hands and knees and pounced on the light. When he opened his hands, there was nothing. He looked for where the little light went. Yoongi spotted in on the wall near the ceiling and leaped as high as he could. To his surprise, his fingers brushed the ceiling as he reached for the dot. The boy landed easily on his feet as he looked in dismay at his skinny legs that had propelled him that high.

"The fuck?" He mumbled. Hoseok's jaw was hanging and Jimin was sitting next to Hoseok staring at him. Yoongi's cheeks flushed with color.

"Woah, how did you do that?" Jimin exclaimed. Yoongi was still shocked himself, so he didn't know how to answer.

"Umm, cat DNA? I don't know..." He fidgeted with his tail, embarrassed.

"Cool!" Both of the boys on the couch shouted at the same time. Yoongi blushed even more.

"L-let's play with something else." He said and Hoseok reached for a string toy and handed it to Jimin. Jimin put the string part on the floor and started to wiggle it. Yoongi forgot about his embarrassment immediately and jumped at the string. Jimin and Yoongi played for a while and Jin made snacks meanwhile. As he brought out the small sandwiches, Jimin ran past with Yoongi chasing after him.

"Hey! Calm down! Your gonna break something!" Jin laughed. He set the sandwiches on the table, and the smell attracted Yoongi to them.

"That smells nice," he purred and took small bites of the food. But sense the boy had thinned out over the last few weeks, he was soon full and was soon of again, this time to lay on Hoseok's lap. Hoseok laughed and brought him to his room, kissing him as they walked through the door. A few minutes later, Tae peeked in the door to see them kissing and giggled. Yoongi and Hoseok broke the kiss, startled.

"Hey! What happened to privacy?" Yoongi threw a stuffed lion at Tae and the younger boy took off down the hall laughing. The two boys on Yoongi's bed laughed too.

"Hey Hobi?" Yoongi tugged Hoseok's sleeve to get his attention.

"Yes kitten?" He turned his head to look at Yoongi.

"Where is NamJoon and Kookie?"

"Well, they said they were going to a cafe a couple miles away with some friends. They will be back later," Hoseok snuggled into the boy, who in turn, wrapped his tail around Hoseok's waist.

"I... I love you Hoseok." Yoongi whispered, not even meaning to say it out loud. Hoseok turned and rested his chin on Yoongi's head.

"I love you too kitten," he tilted Yoongi's head up and kissed him again.

(Hey guys, sorry for the short chapter. I'm going to try to update other stories more so I can have more time to focus on this one. Thanks for reading this far, and I promise there is going to be a little bit of interesting things going on in the next one.  ^3^ )

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