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A few hours later Yoongi and Jin sat at the table, Jin eating noodles, and Yoongi drawing. The boy had gotten really good, and he was drawing a cartoonish person laughing. Someone knocked on the front door. Jin opened it and found Jungkook at it, gasping for breath.

"NamJoon...Fight...Five guys...Needles...Come on!" He managed to say. Yoongi grabbed a snapback and tucked his tail into his pants as he followed the two out the door.

"Yoongi! You need to stay inside!" Jin said as they sprinted down the halls. Yoongi was having no trouble keeping up even though his legs were shorter. He shook his head and ran faster, determined to find what was wrong.

He was at the entrance to the building a full minute before the others. They were both out of breath, but Yoongi wasn't. He turned to Jungkook.

"Where is he?" Jungkook pointed down the street to an alleyway. The same one where Yoongi had been kidnapped. He took off, his mind making connections to what was going on.

Needles, the alleyway, the fight. These were the same people and Yoongi wanted to get even.

He turned into the alleyway to see the guys attempting to do what they had done with Yoongi. NamJoon was swinging his head around, trying to avoid the cloth they were putting over his face. Yoongi growled and the guys turned and noticed him. NamJoon seemed to be warning him away, but instead, he took a step forward.

"Do I know you from somewhere?" The man with the cloth said as he finally got the cloth over NamJoon's face. Jungkook and Jin joined him at that moment, and suddenly, the guy didn't care. He pulled three needles from his pocket and started to stab NamJoon with them, all in his bicep. Yoongi pounced then, as the guy touched NamJoon's​ arm with them. He was too small the push him over, so he jumped on him instead.

NamJoon had fallen unconscious and the guy struggled to give him the last two shots as Yoongi dug his claws into his shoulders. Jungkook and Jin worked on prying the other men off of NamJoon. Jin punched one in his jaw, but was kicked in the stomach by the next one. Jungkook picked up a plank of wood lieing around​ and smacked that one in the back of his head. The other two let go of Nam-Joon and drew their own needles on Jungkook.

One swung his fist into Jungkook's eye, giving them a chance to stick  the needles in him. He yelped as they pushed the liquid into his blood stream. The man Yoongi was stratching  had a knife and he swiped at the boy's face with it. Yoongi clawed the man he was on across the face and jumped down as the guy clutched at it. He came behind them and kicked one of the remaining guys in the crotch and swept the other's feet from beneath him.

Once they finised beating​ up the attackers, Jin rushed to NamJoon's​ side. He turned the unconscious boy's head side to side to see if he had been hurt.

"Come on. We should get home." Jungkook said. Jin grunted as he picked up NamJoon bridal style. It was kind of late, so there were not many on the street, and half of them there didn't spare a glance. Once they got through NamJoon's front door, Jungkook pointed to the sofa for Jin to set Nam-Joon on.

Yoongi sat next to him on the floor and watched the others as they searched each other for injuries. Jin was going to have a bruise on his stomach were he was kicked, and Jungkook would have a black eye. NamJoon had a small cut on his collarbone, but other than that, he was fine. Yoongi had a slash above his eyebrow, but the boy didn't even notice when Jin rubbed alcohol on it. He kept staring at Nam-Joon as he slept.

"Yoongi?" Jin tapped his shoulder, but the boy hardly noticed, "Yoongi, it is almost 10, you need to go home. Yoongi shook his head. "Yoongs..."

"No," Jin sighed in defeat and left him in the living room next to Nam-Joon. Yoongi sat there for a long time, waiting for NamJoon to wake up and fending back the panic attack in the back of his mind.

(Time skip to morning)

NamJoon slowly blinked his eyes and rubbed the sleep out of them. He looked around and realized he was on his own sofa. His friends must have helped him. He remembered seeing Yoongi at the mouth of the alleyway before passing out. Suddenly he panicked.

"Yoongi?" He whispered as he wondered what had happened to the little cat. He swung his feet over the edge of the couch, and something soft brushed against them. He looked down and saw the black tip of Yoongi's tail wave around. Yoongi was sleeping right next to the couch. Nam-Joon sat crisscrossed next to Yoongi and ruffled his hair, scratching at his ears. Yoongi opened his eyes and smiled. He stretched and rubbed his eyes sleepily. Then he realized Nam-Joon was awake, and hugged him.

"You're ok," Yoongi squeezed as hard as he could making NamJoon laugh.

"Yes, thanks to you kitten" he touched the smaller boy's nose playfully.

"Hey! I'm your hyung! Not your kitten!" Yoongi pouted. Jungkook peeked out of his bedroom and his family lit up.

"Hey Joon! You're awake!" NamJoon nodded as he investigated Yoongi's cut above his eye.

"Come on, let's get you to your dorm." He led Yoongi down the hall and let himself into it.

"Jin! I brought Yoongi home!" He called. Jin walked out of the kitchen and hugged both boys.

"I'm making breakfast for everyone. We are eating at Jimin, Tae, and Hoseok's dorm." He went back in and rumaged around in the fridge before closing it. "Maybe I can get Jungkook to go grocery shopping and we'll have brunch." NamJoon laughed.

"I think we can manage," he said and pulled out the half empty carton of eggs and the pancake mix.

"I swear, you guys act like a married couple," Yoongi muttered under his breath. NamJoon burst out laughing again.

"Oh really?" He put his arm around Jin's shoulder, "Does that mean I would have to be with this handsome face?" Jin blushed.

"Hmm, I am pretty beautiful aren't I?" He said.

NamJoon decided to take a chance and planted a kiss on Jin's lips. Jin stiffened in surprise at first, and then slowly melted into the kiss.

"Yes. Yes you are." NamJoon touched Jin's soft bottom lip with his thumb. Yoongi had his jaw hanging open. Apparently they had forgotten that he was there. They started to blush and NamJoon playfully punched Yoongi, making him laugh.

"Let's go, everyone will wonder where we are."

Changes-hybrid yoongi (Yoonseok)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora