12. Chapter - Zhar'sihr

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A new mysterious character appears. More lies and secrets arise!

I wanted to finish this chapter sooner, but as I said before, my ear and neck suddenly started to hurt, and I had to go to see several doctors to see if they could find out what it was. It wasn't anything serious, thank god, so I'm fine already - though it took a while for the pain to completely disappear. 

After that, I made a mistake and watched a certain anime, and it made me extremely depressed >.< Did any of you guys saw an anime called Hotarubi no Mori e? It's so good but so sad! I knew how it would end before starting the anime (it's only one episode - 45 minutes), and I cried the whole episode and two hours after! It's so bittersweet, and I feel sad just thinking about it!

Then I re-watched another anime - Seven Deadly Sins (I can't wait for the 2nd season to come!), and read a manga called Black Clover, so I ended up being kind of occupied and distracted. I'm so sorry about that!

Anyway, the chapter is finally here! I hope you will enjoy reading it! It's a bit shorter, but I wanted to give you something, so here it is!


Zhar'sihr [Zʌrsɪr]


Cold sweat was running down his back, making his t-shirt disgustingly wet. He couldn't hear anything except for the loud beating of his heart and ragged breathing. He's never been so scared in his whole life. The fear he felt when the weird thing was making its way up his arm back in the ship was nothing compared to the one he felt at the moment. His whole body was frozen and his eyes so wide it looked as if they were about to fall out of his eye sockets. The stranger was staring at him with hard expression, his palm still planted on Corey's mouth so he couldn't call for help.

The man in front of him knew there wasn't much time left. As much as he tried to force the Guards to focus their attention to the two Royals only, they were supposed to look after the human as well. One of them would definitely notice the boy was missing any minute now, so he had to finish his business as soon as possible. His powers weren't strong enough to influence two trained Guards for more than few minutes.

"I need you to listen to me," he whispered, eyes boring into Rey's.

"I know you are scared, and I should've probably approached you in a different way. But I don't really have an invitation to the Royal palace, and I have no idea when I would get another opportunity to meet you. I doubt you will be coming here often. Talking to you in the middle of a street was out of question as well, as I'm a wanted man. Not to mention I would be dead before even saying anything. The people after you wouldn't let me tell you a thing." His voice lowered even more, making Corey frown as he tried to make out his next words.

"You are not safe. I'm sure they told you the opposite, and that the planet is peaceful, but it's all bullshit. There are many dangers awaiting you. Starting with the reason why they brought you here in the first place. But I don't have time to explain everything right now. The Royals might be twisted and manipulative, but they wouldn't hurt you, so you don't have to be scared of them in this matter. Never be alone. It doesn't matter if you are in the presence of the Royals or other humans. Just make sure you're never alone, or with other aliens, Guards included; especially at night and outside of the palace." He looked around, his eyes roving the narrow street for any kind of indication someone was listening to them. When he was sure there was no imminent danger at the moment, no shadows lurking around, he turned back, getting as close to Rey's ear as possible.

"They know about you, and they already took measures to be sure the mission will be successful. Zhar'sihr set his eyes on you. He is coming for you, Corey. And he won't stop until he gets what he wants. He has people inside the palace, people who are loyal to him and would die for him. You need to be careful. Don't let them get you," he finished, immediately letting Rey go and disappearing from his sight as he turned around the corner.

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