15. Chapter - The Change

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I had a really good day today! I managed to write three chapters in total (this one and two for a different story of mine), and I couldn't feel more happy! It's been a long time since I had such a fruitful night/day!

Anyway, new chapter is here! I expected it to be finished around Thursday/Friday, but as I said before, I had a great night! It could've been published sooner, but I was too tired after my night shift to edit the chapter, and that's why it had to wait until I woke up! 

Hope the chapter isn't too confusing! Corey finally speaks up, and we get to know more information about the aliens.

Enjoy the read! ♥


Corey was lying in his bed, thinking about the whole day, frowning. There were so many things he wanted to know, so many unanswered questions and unclear things he kept on wondering about, and it was slowly driving him crazy. He was starting to feel like an idiot, and he hated that feeling. Why wasn't anyone willing to tell them the truth? It felt like there was some big secret they wanted to hide no matter what, and they didn't care what the humans would think about them while doing it. It was always the same. They asked a question, and the aliens would change the subject in hopes the humans wouldn't notice. As if they were stupid or something.

Remembering the afternoon, Rey felt a new wave of irritation consuming him. Their conversation went smoothly; Isdoy didn't have any problem telling them about the terrible history and scary legend. So when Patrick asked about the change in appearance, Corey thought he wouldn't mind telling them. But he couldn't be more wrong.

Afternoon, after Patrick asked the question

Izzy looked startled for a second, his eyes widening after he fully realized what the human just asked. He wasn't supposed to talk about this topic. They were given a specific order to not talk about this. How could he be so stupid to start talking about their ancestors? He basically asked for this kind of question. 

Closing his eyes, thinking of any way to make them forgot about it, he sighed when he realized they would definitely not forget so easily, especially Patrick. From the time he got to spend with him, he knew very well the human was clever and intelligent. He wouldn't let this one go no matter what he said. 

Sighing, he looked into his eyes, smiling sadly.

"I'm extremely sorry, but I cannot answer this question. We were told not to discuss this with you until the right time comes, and as it was a direct order from the King, I have to follow it," he said, feeling bad for deceiving them like this. He didn't agree with many things his parents and brother did, and lying to the humans was one of them. He believed telling them the truth would be the best option because lying never ends well, but his words didn't carry any weight with them. He was just a little prince who didn't understand the serious things. It made him feel as if he didn't belong there most of the time. 

As if he was an outcast.

Back to present

Groaning, full of suppressed anger, he turned on his stomach and pushed his face into a pillow. He didn't know what to do. He wanted to scream at the aliens to tell them the truth but was afraid it would end up with him being locked up or something. 

Considering his options about the matter, he was startled by sudden noise in the main room. Sitting up, his eyes grew wide when he realized Azka'rah just came back. The prince was back sooner than he expected, as he was told not to wait for him during the dinner. He was, according to King's words, investigating the incident that happened in the city few days back, and he was out of the palace for the time being. 

Deceitful Lottery (MxM)| Y.E.P.1 series, BOOK 1 - 4Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon