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Ally's POV

"Ally, please. I need you to do this for me." Thomas said through gritted teeth as he dragged me out of the car.

"I don't want to see him,"I replied.

"I know that, but you agreed to come and now your acting like a child," he said with one more tug on my arm, successfully pulling through the restaurant's doors.

"I changed my mind, Thomas. I don't want to see him. I never want to see him again. I told you that before."

"I get that, but I do. I know what Caleb did was wrong but he was my best friend, like a brother to me. The last time I saw him was before the accident and that was three years ago. Babe, there hasn't been a day I haven't at least thought about where he is or how he is. Let me put my mind at ease. Let me talk to him, get closure."

"Fine, Thomas. I'll do this for you but I can't guarantee I won't be a total bitch."I muttered.

He smiled slightly and caressed my hand in his. "No problem, baby. He deserves it."

I scoffed as we neared our table where Caleb was already seated....with a girl.

"I don't remember him mentioning he'd be bringing a guest."

"Neither do I but maybe he needs her for support, just like I need you," he said squeezing my fingers.

I rolled my eyes and sighed. I really did want to do this.

When Caleb saw us he's eyes widened like he hadn't actually expected us to show up. He quickly stood up us we approached. 

"Uh hi." he said awkwardly sticking out us his hand. 

"Hi."Thomas said back before shaking his hand. After shaking Thomas' he hesitantly held out his hand to me. I raised my eyebrow at him before plopping down in a seat. 

He slowly dropped his hand and sat down along with Thomas.

"So, um, this is Karen, my girlfriend. Karen these are my....m-my, um..."

I tilted my head waiting see whathe would say in amusement.

Thomas decided to end his misery an spoke up."I'm Thomas and this Ally."

Karen smiled. "Nice to meet you."

Thomas smiled and nodded response as a waiter approached us.

"May I take your order?" he asked.

After ordering our food the tension in the atmosphere grew again.

Thomas cleared his throat. "So, how have you been?" he asked Caleb.

"Good. I've been good. You know, after I l-left I stayed with my Dad but I currently live in New York."

"So you actually your school?  NYU?"Thomas asked.

Caleb nodded with a laugh. "Yeah, I did. I'm surprised you remember that but yeah that's where I met Karen." He said giving her smile. I rolled my eyes as they continued to just stare into each others eyes.

I cleared my throat loudly an they snapped out of it and Caleb spoke up. "What baout you, what's been going on? How have you guys been?"

"Well after the accident, I was in a coma for a while and when I finally woke up I had memory loss."

Caleb nodded awkwardly. "Wow."

"Yeah and that lasted for like a year, almost two and then I regained my memory. So that was good. Oh and I got into UCONN and Ally is at Yale."

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