Chapter 13

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A/N: If anyone doesn't know how Robo dog looks like. Here is an adorable photo of him. 


Hendry gasp but groan when he open his eyes seeing the light reflecting. He groan and laid back down to only hear a RoboDog bark.

"R-Robo dog?" Hendry groans while blocking the light and looking at him little robot dog.

It barks happily at him and was doing something with a signal on top of its head. Hendry raises a brow. Then the sliding door open with Ryder and the pups.

"HENDRY!" Everyone shouted making Hendry flinch and cover his ears. "Sorry."

Hendry smiled but gasp when he was hugged by Thunder and the pups making him chuckle and hug them all together. Ryder smiled softly and wiped away his tears that were falling and sighing in relief. The pups all jump off Hendry laughing and giggling making him look at Ryder who smiles.

"Come here," Hendry said waving his hands and watching as Ryder walk towards him and held him close just like him.

Ryder sigh in relief and held Hendry so close not wanting to let go just like him who was smiling softly. The pups were all cooing at the scene making the couple pull back and blush while Hendry just chuckle. He tried getting up but groan while holding his head making Ryder put his hand on his chest and pushing him back down softly.

"You need rest, Hendry. Robodog will keep me update on how you are. " Ryder whisper softly making him smile.

"Alright boss." Hendry yawns and was falling back to sleep knowing that he was in a safe place with his boyfriend.

Ryder sigh and told the pups to all go outside while he talks to Robodog. The pups nod and all left but Ryder called Thunder making him stop.

"Thunder has this ever happen to him..." Ryder asks while kneeling down.

Thunder shook his head but then he put thought into it and nod his head softly.

"Yeah! It was when his sister went to visit their dad. Hendry started getting a bad headache that he fainted from it. Lucky their grandma was taking care of him at that time." Thunder said looking at Ryder. "I-Is he gonna be okay Ryder?"

"Yes! Don't worry. I just wanted to know if this ever happens before. Go on I'm just gonna go talk to RoboDog." Ryder smiled and watch Thunder nod and run out the room after the other pups.

Ryder sigh and pulled his hair back and look at RoboDog who look at him back. He smiled and walk toward Hendry and brush back his hair from his face lean forward to lay a kiss on his forehead but what he did not know was that Hendry was awake and he grabs Ryder's head and made him kiss his lips. Ryder gasp and felt Hendry pull him closer by the waist. He leans closer and gasps again when he was pulled onto the bed and he was underneath Hendry who licks his lips and kisses him again. Ryder moans softly when he felt a knee push between his crotch and held Hendry close.

"H-Hendry.." Ryder moan allowing Hendry to deepen the kiss.

"Ryder....ughhh." Hendry groans feeling pain in his head making Ryder sit up looking at Hendry worried.

Hendry smiled softly and let Ryder grab his face and look at him with concern.

"That was foolish of you to try that" Ryder scowl making Hendry chuckle.

"Worth a try. Hahaha oww." Hednry groans while chuckling.

Ryder rolled his eyes and push him away softly and got off the bed but gasp when Hendry held his body close to him. Ryder looks back and saw that he had his face covered with his back making him sigh and turn around kissing Hendry on his head and smiled.

"Don't worry I'm not mad at you. You need to be careful next time okay." Ryder smiled and kiss Hendry who smiled and kisses back.

"Don't worry. I'm gonna go sleep this time. I promise." Hendry smiled and laid back down seeing Ryder smiled and walk to RoboDog.

"Watch him carefully RoboDog. Call me if anything goes wrong." Ryder said and smiled at him and left the room when RoboDog bark happily.

Hendry sigh and cover himself with the blanket and let his eyes fully close allowing himself to get some rest and sleep peacefully. Ryder smiled and walk away from the door and into the hall but stop when he saw a hawk at his window staring at him. He looked at the hawk and walk towards it to see a note wrap around the hawk's leg. He raises a row and grabs the note and open it to see it was a letter from Stacy. He closes the note knowing that it wasn't his business to look through his lover's thing yet. He sighs and thanks to the hawk who nod and flew away leaving Ryder who was watching the hawk fly away.

"I wonder how she is doing...." Ryder sigh and gasp when his pup pad starting beep making him smiled. "Welp time for work."

~Foggy Bottom~

"Oh, so your brother is going out with the leader of Paw Patrol. Oh, how wonderful." Ella said while holding her daughter hands together.

"Yeah. They're pretty cute together and Hendry truly cares about Ryder, mom." Stacy smiled thinking on how protected he is about Ryder.

"Well of course he is. That is his lover and his first love. Oh, I wonder if I have to give Hendry the talk." Ella said while pointing her finger at her lips.

"No! Mom, he's good." Stacy chuckle nervously making Ella chuckle.

Ella sigh and look at Stacy who was looking the window to see a hawk flying back inside. She smiled and stick her hand out to let the hawk land on her hand squeal happily at her.

"Great job, Honey. Now we wait till my baby brother opens it." Stacy smiled while petting Honey.

"Can't believe you keep Honey. You know how your father hates hawks. " Ella chuckle while looking at Stacy smirk.

"Good. To keep those annoying cats away from me and Honey." Stacy chuckle including Ella knowing that Honey would kill those kittens if she had her chance.  

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