Chapter 32

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Ryder was licking his hand and rubbing it over his ear making Skye and Rocky chuckle. Sadly Hendry wasn't there today because he had to go do something but he told Ryder he'll be back by night. Today was Monday and Ryder's heat was getting closer making Ryder tense. Skye chuckle again when Ryder licked his hand and rub his other ear.

"Why don't you ask Katie to clean your fur, Ryder?" Rocky smiled with his tail wagging.

"I rather not." Ryder chuckles while grabbing a comb that Katie gave him to brush his cattail.

"Okay." Skye chuckle.

"You're just keeping yourself busy because your mate isn't here with you huh." Rocky laughed making Ryder's cat ears pin down.

He hisses at Rocky softly and went back to brushing his tail while the two pups laughed. Ryder just finishes brushing his tail when his pup pad started ringing. He grabs it and presses the caller to see farmer Yumi.

"Ryder I need your help! A couple of bunnies are scaring my cows and eating my carrots!" Farmer Yumi said.

"Oh wow. Don't worry Farmer Yumi were on our way!" Ryder said and press the button for all the pups in.

Ryder told the pups what was happening at Farmer Yumi's farm and how the bunnies are scaring the cows and eating the carrots. Skye bark saying she wants to help, making Ryder chuckle. The pups that were going were Skye who well rounds up the bunnies, Chase who will net them in, and Rubble who well cover the holes. The pups and Ryder head out to Farmer Yumi home and made it only to see a bunch of cows running with bunnies after them. Farmer Yumi and Al trying to scare off the bunnies.

"Ryder help!"  Farmer Yumi shouted seeing a bunny jump over Al's head.

"Skye your up!" Ryder said seeing Skye bark for her jetpack.

Skye flew and chase the bunnies while Ryder went to help Chase to make a cage around the floor with his net. Ryder gasp when one of the bunnies were now biting his cat tail making him hiss at the bunny. Skye finally got the bunnies to run to Chase trap and they were all caught and Chase smirk when he made sure they won't get out. Rubble then started covering the holes and making sure that they won't cause harm to the animals or farmers. Ryder smiled and his ear twitch when he heard the farmers walking towards them so he turned around with his tail swishing around.

"Thank you so much Ryder and pups," Yumi said while sighing in relief.

"Why did the bunnies attack our farm? They're usually calm." Ryder said looking at the bunnies who were trying to escape.

"It's cause we have their babies. Three of the babies got injured so we patch them up but sadly they thought we were gonna to do something bad to them." Farmer Al said looking at the baby bunnies.

"Awww your poor babies." Skye cooed.

"Well, at least they know now." Chase sighed making Ryder smile.

Chase has explained everything to the bunnies and they started making sounds. Chase and Rubble told them that they were saying sorry making the Farmers chuckle and accept the apologies. Ryder smiled but purred in delight when Farmer Yumi rubbed his ear softly and lean close to the rubbing.

"Heheeso it's true." Yumi smiled while Al held a pot with a cover plant. "For our way for saying thank you I hope you'll accept this plant."

Farmer Yumi handed the plant making Ryder smiled and nodded his head. They left the farm and went back to the Watchtower and back up with the pups following.

"What kind of plant is it?" The pups all ask seeing Ryder carrying the plant to the middle.

"I don't know. Why don't we open it to see." Ryder smiled while opening the bag.

They watch as Ryder open the bag and when he pulled the bag up the pups smiled brightly seeing the plant was a purple flower and they all went close to it. They smelled it making the pups sigh in relief and feeling so calm. They chuckle and looked at Ryder who was now far away from the plant.

"Ryder what wrong?" Chase asks looking at their leader.

"C-Catn-nip.," Ryder said covering his nose while shaking.

"Oh! Guys help me push the plant outside. When cats smell catnip they exhibit several behaviors common to queens in their season (females in heat): They may rub their heads and body on the herb or jump, roll around, vocalize and salivate. This response lasts for about 10 minutes, after which the cat becomes temporarily immune to catnip's effects for roughly 30 minutes." Thunder said while pushing the plant outside the balcony. 

"Ohhhh, how do you know so much, Thunder??" Rubble ask.

"That's because Mayor Humdinger would always make me and Hendry go buy some catnip for his babies.

The pups laughed and smiled when they finally got the plant outside and saw Ryder finally breath throw his nose. They all chuckle and ran back inside leaving the plant to gaze in the sun. They were all playing around while Ryder was laying down on his bean bag near the window with the sun setting and him relaxing. Thunder smiled when he saw Ryder resting and looked at the pups who yawn and rub their eyes. Ryder took notice and smiled at his pups and went to them.

"Why don't you pups head to bed. I'll clean up." Ryder said rubbing the pups head.

"Okay." the pups said all going to their room.

"Goodnight Thunder," Ryder said looking at Thunder smile and say goodnight back and heading to Hendry's room.

Ryder chuckle and watch as the sun finally set making him whine softly. He really hates being alone without his mate. He sighed and went to clean up the mess the pups left and smiled when he finishes quickly too. He stretches and was about to leave but his ear twitch when he notices the plant outside and his tail twitches too. He held his hand in a fist and sighed.

"I-I'll just try...." Ryder said softly and went to the plant and bringing it inside.

He looked around making sure no one was around and took one sniff of the plant and he started purring loudly. He leans his face close to the nip and rubs his face close making his whole body feel numb. He was still purring but he shook his head trying to get himself straight but gasp when he felt arms around him.

"Enojoying the nip my love." Hendry said softly making Ryder gasp.

"H-Hendry." Ryder said blushing deep red.

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