The Story of Meeting Your Parents

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Butterflies can't see their wings. They can't see how truly beautiful they are, but everyone else can.

People are like that as well.


We walked into the people-filled gala and my confidence suddenly down-graded. Most of these women-although older- were beautiful. Many eyes turned on us and I shrank back farther behind my father as whispers spread around the room. A man with graying hair and wrinkles around his eyes came to greet my father.

"Dan." the man nodded.

His eyes focused on Mack and I and he held out his hand. I took his and he greeted himself in a firm handshake.

"Harry Walter."

"These are my two daughters. Lennon and McCartney." my dad butts in knowing my shyness would keep me from saying much.

"Beatles fan, huh?"

"Yes." my dad smiles. He loves when people recognize our names.

"You know you have very beautiful daughters." the man compliments. I blush and look into the growing crowd.

"They here yet?" my father asks and my confusion grows slightly.

"No." the man says.

"About twenty minutes though." he confirms again. My dad nods and turns to us telling us to find our table. We find a table with our names on it and I notice that there are only six seats three are empty and the others are filled by my dad, Mack and I. I sit at the one end with Mack in the middle and sit while people greet my father and congratulate him on his new position. Abruptly, all the commotion stops. But as soon as the noise stops I feel a small buzz in my clutch and snatch it off the table. I pull out my phone and stare at the unknown number in confusion.

You look beautiful tonight. ;) - Your secret admirer

I hear a man and woman voice shuffling towards us but I am too busy looking around for any eyes that are watching me. My intentions fail and I slump slightly.

You will never be able to find me. - Your secret admirer

The second message gives me a slight chill and I look around again.

A soft finger brushes across my shoulder and I look to see Mack looking at me expectantly. I look over to the man and women and notice a boy but I barely pay attention to him.

"Oh, sorry." I blush and shake the women's hand.

"My, My. Daniel you sure have two very beautiful daughters." the women says.

"Thanks." I say, meekly.

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