Chapter 75-Drunk

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Warning: Swear words ahead! I tried to tone down as much as possible but still a little warning.

Part 2(Never Have I Ever)

Gouenji's P.O.V:

I swear I didn't know what lust meant before she entered my life nor did I have such a feelings for anyone. But now, me the one who is said to be an eternal monk is having thoughts worse than a pervert! May be I shouldn't be considered a pervert since she is my fiancée? It's perfectly normal right? But as of now if I leave her be she might as well kill them both.

"You need to stop..."

"Shh!" She placed a finer on my lips silencing me, her eyes looking at me coyly from underneath her lashes, resting her delectable body against mine lightly. "How about we make a deal?" The index finger trailing down my chest making me tense and rigid.

"You know I am wearing a semi transparent sexy lingerie you bought me last time." She said in the voice of a seductress pushing herself flush against me shutting down my brain. Is she Astrea or did someone take her place like she always mumbles about me? I didn't know she could sound like that. Perfectly seductive. If that voice didn't have me at her feet I don't know what would! If this is how she is going to be when we get married then I will be a lost case. "Allow me to do deal with them and you can have your way with me later." She nibbled on my lower lip emphasizing her point and turned around leaving me standing there stunned and impossibly hard!

She resumed beating them to death like she didn't just seduce me a second ago. Urgh! Bloody hell! That woman is definitely drunk! None of us moved an inch trying to stop her. The girls definitely couldn't stop her, her energy, strength and technique is definitely on a different level. I can stop her but I am afraid if I approach her she will seduce me and I definitely don't have any resistance against her damn it!

"You asshole! Bloody $!#^*&%#%%###! You *&%#^%*&%#%$#! I will kill you! Who do you think you are #%T&&%$*^%$" Well it is better that I don't mention the exact words she used for proprietary's sake. Those words are not something I expected to hear from her. I didn't even know she had this vast knowledge on profanities. Those words shouldn't be uttered back any time. After sobering up she would be regretting this very much. After punching and kicking them black and blue she finally moved back and observed them from head to toe, observing her handiwork, seems like she is satisfied with her work!

"That's good!" She announced in a commanding but nonchalant voice.

"Bloody hell woman! I don't know what's wrong with you!" Fidio shouted at her wincing.

"Oh but I know what is wrong with you!" She answered calmly watching him with narrowed eyes.

"That's none of your business!" He hissed making me step closer to Astrea. She can hold her ground well but I don't want even a scratch on her!

"But it is! When you make her cry it is definitely my business! I told you already when I pushed you to her, if you make her cry you are dead. Did you think I was kidding or that what would a poor fragile girl like me could do to you?" Well, he knows now that she is not exactly fragile and to take her warnings literally from this time.

"And what exactly is your problem? She had a boyfriend? Why can't she? You slept with lots and you expect her to stay in a corner waiting for you to finish fucking every thing with a v***** to come to her and give eternal happiness?" Very crude!

"That was meaningless sex!" Fidio announced still enraged! I sometimes doubt if he is really my cousin? He is digging his own grave.

"Aww! Is that so?" Astrea announced with a sad and dejected pout. Yup! He definitely dug his own grave. Others might believe it but I know better. She then turned around and called Lillian enthusiastically with a big smile. Though little cautious she came to her without hesitation.

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