There's A Boy in my Bed - 12

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I turn around and push my way through the crowd - the room intensifying as I try to rush away. All of a sudden the music's louder, the temperature's hotter and the walk to the staircase seems like an eternal journey.

I rush up quickly and make my way towards my bedroom, my eyes watering up as I turn the handle and bust into the room - my room. I pause as two people suddenly wrestle with the blankets and pull their naked bodies under the duvet, screaming at me to get out. A sudden shock washes over me as I back slowly out of the room - kicked out of my own safe space.

I panic as my breathing accelerates into an uncontrollable grasp, my mind losing control of the whole situation. All my effort into the party, the decorations, the outfit melts away as I head to the staircase.

I rush down the stairs, entering the sea of people.  As I propel through the mass, a hand clasps around my wrist - halting me in place.  Time Freezes.  I know that hand - it's warmth, it's softness, it's firmness.  I turn around and see Casey, his eyes dull against the red lipstick stain on his cheek.  I divert my gaze to my wrist and whip it from his hand to continue walking through the crowd - managing to escape out of the front door onto the dimly lit front yard - a few scattered bottles already on the ground.

"DANTÉ WAIT!"  I hear him scream from behind me, the slamming of the front door silencing him.  I pick up a discarded half-filled bottle of vodka on the lawn and start running past my mail box;  sprinting;  escaping.

The night air pricks at me while the music fades into the background, my feet pounding against the footpath as the sound of the party drifts into silence - now replaced with my harsh puffing.  With no one around me, my eyes betray me and tears start to propel towards the earth.  Tornados fill my lungs and I'm suddenly clasping for breaths - emotions murdering my shaking body.

I run, no location in mind, and let my feet carry me until my lungs can't compete - bending over to catch my breath.  Red lipstick flashes through my eyes as I watch her stiletto finger nails trace over his shoulders and cling to his neck - his lips smashing against hers.  One of his hands twirls in her hair while another cups her left hip.  Holding her.  Enjoying her.

The park comes into view through my blurred vision, another tear cascading as I sit down on the park bench - the familiar cold air reinforced without Casey's arm around me like last night.  My phone starts vibrating in my pocket, the screen illuminating the lonely darkness.

Unknown number calling (10:17):


My heart races as I stare at the screen.  Even after all this time I've never named his contact - I've never really needed to because he's the only one who messages me.  He's messaged me more times then my Father and mother combined.

My finger hovers over the green accept button - hitching my mind as I bite my lip in contemplation.  I swivel my finger and decline the call, letting the phone fade into silence.

The vibrating continues in my hand, the screen lighting up once again.

Unknown number calling (10:18):


My heart rate begins accelerating again - not helped by the falling stream of tears onto the screen.  I decline the call and turn off my phone, letting silence overtake the park area again.

I breath in and out to control my breathing, wrapping my arms around my shoulder to provide some sense of warmth - all that time picking my outfit and all that anyone saw was me dashing out the door - great.

My gaze glosses over the lake, the moonlight's reflection taking my mind away from Casey - but then the memories flood back in.  Just last night we were sitting here huddling;  cuddling:  or as he'd say:  preventing frostbite.

I twist the cap off of the vodka bottle and start gulping the drink - immediately met by an instant burning sensation in my throat.  I gasp for air as the firey taste of the vodka burns my throat, poking my tongue out to try and alleviate the pain - to no success at all.  I let the burning go away before taking another swig, the internal pain of heartbreak enabling me to finish the drink.

I roll the empty bottle out of my hand and onto the grass, letting my arm dangle as a drowsiness washes over me.  

The tiredness engulfs me, and slowly pushes me down into a laying position on the bench, legs swung over the handle.  I'm not sure what's made me so tired, probably a mixture of:  Late night adventures, a bad sleeping schedule, setting up the party all day, stress and alcohol - either way, my eyelids close and I fall asleep to the soft cooing of owls in the trees.


My eyes fling open - the dreamy sound of cooing birds replaced with an eerily creepy silence.  Suddenly my sober mind realises that I'm alone in a dark park at whatever o'clock.  I reach for my phone in my pocket - Fuck, I turned it off.  

I wait slowly for it to power on as paranoia sets in - I push myself up off of the bench and finally the screen comes on.  It's 2:20 am.  Suddenly notifications start piling up in my phone - the dinging distracting me from the fears of darkness.

*11 missed calls from Unknown number*

*6 unopened text message*

My breath hitches as I tap my inbox and open up the texts.  


This chapter took a long time to write because it hit a bit too close to home to be honest!  None of the particular details, but the general pain of heartbreak.

The next chapter will start off with Danté reading the text messages from Casey.  What do you think they'll say?

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, and thank you so much for sticking by me for this long! :)

- YOP 

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