There's A Boy in my Bed - 14

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"So...where were you all night?"  Casey asks as he turns to look at me, shattering the silence of the taxi.  I avoid his eyes and drag my gaze out the window, taking note of the dark houses filled with sleeping families - can't relate.  He coughs to catch my attention but I keep it diverted - ignoring him.

His hand strokes my leg, instantly making the outside world disappear - enslaving my mind and sending my heartbeat into a simultaneous flutter.  "You gonna ignore me all night, sleep in my bed, then wake up and leave without a word?"  His hand continues rubbing on my leg, his thumb slowly tracing back and forth.  I nudge his hand off, letting my heart rate return to normal.  His hand moves back up and swings around my shoulder, wrapping my neck in his strong bicep - pulling me into his chest.  

Safety.  Warmth.  Security.  My eternally jumping heart rate flutters again, his aroma intoxicating me with obsession.  But to him he's just looking after a friend - his part-time shoulder to cry on / part-time walking mate / part-time sleeping buddy.

"Yup."  I reply as I turn to look at him, snapping myself out of my fantasy and finally acknowledging his presence for once during the taxi ride - plastering a wide, bright grin on his face.

"Finally.  It talks."  He chuckles - letting out a loud gasp as he retreats his arm from around my shoulder, raising his hands in praise before placing them back around my neck.  He's such a dork.  

Time passes in a silent comfort, the humming of the car vibrating through our embraced bodies.

"I fell asleep at the park."  Casey's eyes shoot towards me, the atmosphere drowning as the mood shifts back to awkwardness - my confession shattering the comfort.

"What?  Why the fuck were you at the park?  Were you there because of me?"  My gaze drifts back out of the window.  What am I supposed to say to him?  I was at the park because you were hooking up with your ex, but not hooking up with your ex.  Playing a game with your ex?  My heart does a backflip every time you look at me and I don't know why.  Is that what I'm supposed to say?

I don't know.  Drank too much I guess."  The lie slips easily through my teeth - I mean, I've been concealing the truth from him ever since he snuck into my life...well...into my bed.

"Bro don't ever do that again.  What if something happened to you?  I'm talking to you - look at me."  He pulls my chin, forcing us face-to-face, eye-to-eye.  "Do you understand?"  I nod in compliance, his bark riling me up on the inside. 

He lets go of my chin, the car returning to its silence - his arm still holding me in embrace.

Safety.  Warmth.  Security.


"Thanks.  Have a good night."  Casey says to the driver, patting the roof of the taxi as it drives away.  He saunters over, grabbing my wrist and leading me to his front door.

"Do we have to be quiet?"  I ask as he slides the key in and unlocks the door, flicking on the lights and illuminating the narrow passage way.

"Nope.  I haven't seen my parents in like...pfft...2 monts-ish.  That's why I'm always at other people's places.  So there's no one to be quiet for.  And plus, what are we gonna be doing that's making so much noise we need to be quiet huh?"  A small chuckle leaves his plump lips...I mean...normal lips...

"Welcome to my humble abode."  He slips open his bedroom door, revealing an extremely dull room - a beige duvet lying on the double bed in the centre with 2 twin oak side-tables, a matching oak closet and a long mirror.  A small desk with his laptop, photos and pens on it.

"Where's all your stuff?"  I ponder, my eyes drifting around the room.

"Why do I need stuff?  All I do when I'm here is sleep.  And sometimes I don't even sleep here - as you're well aware."

I scan the bare room, my eyes connecting with the desk  - a photo of Casey and Annabelle hugging adorned with a flamboyant golden frame - a pop of colour in a room of blandness;  and of course, the pop of colour is for her.

"Hop in my bed, I promise that I won't bite - unless you want me to of course."  A small grin falls across his lips;  even at 3:00 o'clock in the morning, he can still brighten up the room with his charm.  

Who would cheat on him?  Who would cheat on the embodiment of kindness, love and beauty - a literal descendent of the Gods with a heart that makes the heavens jealous - a bitch;  that's who.  Anyone would be lucky to have him.  Well...any girl...

I kick off my shoes and crawl under the duvet, his scent intertwined into the blanket - I inhale subtly, not enough for him to notice as he continues to play with his hair in the mirror.  Summer.  He smells like summer - with a hint of mint.

My attention's drawn away from the scent as he undoes his belt buckle and lets his pants cascade towards the floor.  Underneath, black briefs cling tightly to his sculpted glutes.

"What?  I like sleeping naked.  And if I can't do it in your bed, I'll do it in my own."  His hands slide down slowly, taking his briefs with them - his manhood facing the wall.  I try to divert my gaze, but my eyes are stuck - fixated on his beauty.  

He pulls up his shirt, revealing sharp shoulder blades that blend into his muscular trapezius.  He turns, my eyes obsessing over every inch of his body.  A light hair scatters over his pecs, trailing down to his jarring v-line;  sculpted from years of rugged exercise.

"Nothing weird here.  We're both bros.  And plus I've seen your dick."  He's right - he has;  but mine's not as good looking as his - and mine isn't complimented by an imposing six pack.  I roll over as he starts walking towards the bed, hiding my inevitable rosy blush - something else is blushing as well.

"I'm so tired, it's been one long ass night."  He says before a yawn as he climbs into bed, his bare leg touching mine.  "I'm glad you're staying with me.  I thought I wouldn't get to see you tonight.  Glad you're safe.  Glad you're with me."  He admits as he places his arm around my neck and pulls me into his naked body.

"Yeah.  Me too."  I melt into his arms and wrap my arm around his torso - tracing my fingers over his abs.

"Love you bro.  No homo."  He whispers out as he descends into the land of sleep, a soft snore emitting from his lips.  His arm crashes over my chest, holding me;  cradling me;  protecting me.

"I love you too bro.  Yes homo."  My confession falls dead to his sleeping ears, as my eyelids close and the comfort of the mattress eliminates all desires of staring at his face all night.  I fall asleep, nuzzled into Casey's chest.


Phewwwww that last part was a bit I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter.  Feel free to leave any advice, suggestions and/or critiques in the comments.

Thanks for continuing to read this far and for all of the support! :)


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