Chapter 10

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"Here, "I dropped files A-Y on his desk.

"Thank you. Now throw them out." He said seriously. My mouth fell open a bit. Is he serious?

"Are you serious? I just spent time taking all of those out of the filing cabinet and now you want them in the trash can. I even had to carry a chair over there because I couldn't reach the top cabinet."

"Well while that was entertaining, I am indeed serious. Those are all unneeded folders that needed to be thrown out a long time ago. I just never got around to doing it. Now move along, I have other things for you to do." He waved his hand and looked back down at his work. I groaned and picked up the stack of papers.

"Oh and Bella. Take them down to the recycling. I don't want my trash can filled with useless papers."

"asshole," I mumble quietly before I walked out the doors. I carried them to the elevator and nearly dropped them all when I was trying to press the 1st-floor button. The elevator stopped at a few floors before I finally got to the bottom.

"Hey, Bella." A voice greeted. I couldn't see who it was because they were right in front of me.

"Hi? I really need to go recycle these papers so if you could please move." I said trying to be polite as possible.

"Do you even know where it is?" He asked and moved aside. I could now see him if I turned my head. I saw out of the corner of my eye that it was Tyler.

"Yeah somewhere around here," I said looking to my right and then my left. Tyler laughed.

"Here let me help you." He took off half the stack and my arms felt so much lighter. I could see over the stack now. Honestly, I think is way too much to be doing on the first day, but I am getting paid good right?

"Thanks," I looked around to see a few signs saying where to go to put trash and recycling. Usually, only the janitors go in there, but I guess I am now.

"Over there?" I nodded towards the trash and recycling room. He nodded and we walked to it. We dropped off all the files in the huge recycling bin.


"Good, you're back. It didn't take you too long?"

"No Tyler helped me."


"Tyler... I don't know his last name but he is kind of tall, brown hair with blonde highlights, beautiful blue eyes." I described. Hunter raised an eyebrow at me.

"What? He is good looking. A lot of people here are."

"Amore pay attention to your work. Not your love life. Now, can you please go to my meeting room and set it up. Make sure everything is working properly. I have a meeting in an hour. I expect you to be there with a pen and notebook to take notes." He explained. I nodded and made my way out of the room.

I made my way to the meeting room somehow. It was only one floor down. It was huge like everything else in this building. I tested the projector and made sure all the chairs were perfect. I set up vases with flowers that I found on the table to make everything more lively and less boring. I was back in Mr. King's office in no time.

Easiest thing I have done today.


After Mr. King's meeting, he let me have a lunch break. The meeting was very boring. I don't see how someone could ever enjoy going to those stupid meetings. I just roamed the streets because I didn't have any money on me to buy anything. I didn't even pack a stupid sandwich.

"You are back early. Did you have a good lunch?" Hunter asked.

"Yup." I lied.

"Good. I need you to bring me file Z, and take out everything that has to do with the name Adrian Moore." I nodded and went to his filing cabinet. I took out the only file I didn't recycle. I saw down on a chair and started going through it.

"Tomorrow you will be sitting at a desk. Outside of my office." Hunter said.

"Ok," I replied as I took out any paper where I saw Adrian Moore. When I was finally done, Hunter was looking at me waiting for me to finish. I got up and handed him the stack of papers. "Sorry," I mumbled and went back to my seat. It really did take a long time to go through the papers. I had to scan over most of them to make Adrian Moore wasn't in the middle of the page.

When I finished, I brought them into his office. I watched as his eyes as they scanned over every paper before flipping to the next. I saw his hand go up to his ear then it went straight back down and flipped through the papers some more.


"Hi," I replied.

"I have the papers."

"I know," I answered.

"I have all the information on him."

"Yeah, I would think so. You could make a wall out of that stack of papers."

"Hold on Peter my assistant is making noises," His hand went up to his ear again and then he looked at me. "Can you please be quiet Bella? I am trying to have a conversation with my business partner and you are talking to whoever you are talking to." He tapped his ear again and started talking to Peter.

My face went red when I realized he wasn't talking to me, but to that Peter guy.


"Son what the hell happened to Loren?! She showed up at my house a crying mess." An older looking man came barging in. My eyes widened when I realized who he was and what he was talking about. I quietly turned around and faced the wall hoping to not be noticed.

"I don't know Dad. She was with her friends for all I know." I knew Hunter was lying. I just hope James couldn't tell.

"She told me she went with this girl to get a drink and then she was dragged into a room and drugged or something." My eyes widened even more. Probably more than that receptionists.

"She was drunk. She could've been lying. I don't know. I was there with a friend." Hunter said and glanced over at me.

"Ok," James said wearily. His voice said he kind of didn't believe him, but because Hunter was his son he kind of did.

"Son. Who is this?" He asked and I could just feel his stare, but I still hoped he wasn't talking to me.

"Bella, stop having conversations with the wall. This is my father James King. Dad this is Bella Amore, my new assistant." Hunter introduced. I turned around to face the two.

"Hi," I said and gave James a small wave.

"Hello. I hope you are working hard. My son only has hard workers, and I hope he makes no exception for you. Beautiful love."

"I'm sorry?"

"I thought my son would've gone over what your names mean in Italian."

"Oh, he did twice actually."

"You have some work to do on this one son. I hope it happens soon because if not she's gone." James warned before leaving.

"What was his problem?" I asked.

"You have to be more professional around him. Me, I don't care. He cares and takes this very seriously." Hunter informed. I nodded.

"Got it don't be my normal self around boss's father."


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