Chapter 61

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"BELLAAA!" Meadow shouted into the phone. I had finally got her to answer her phone, and she seems happy. Still, something feels off.

"Meadow, the friend who doesn't talk to me, you better have a good reason."

"I do, I do. I was with Nolan."

"And Nolan is?"

"My boyfriend soon to be husband."

"Excuse me when was this information going to be shared with yours truly?"

"It was eventually. We were kind of celebrating."

"For weeks? A month?"



"I'm sorry ok. He wanted to keep it a secret. His parents don't exactly approve of me yet. BUT! I was thinking maybe if they know who I am friends with they will like me." She suggested.

"No. You should just be yourself. It shouldn't matter who you are friends with."

"But Bella. They asked where I went to school and the first thing that came out of my mouth was Hogwarts."

"Ohh that's bad. I mean Hogwarts is good, but not knowing where you went to school..."

"And when they asked me how my family was doing I said well. Just good. I didn't elaborate or anything I just said well. Who does that?"

"I did when I was younger."

"That is something you say when you are in middle school! When they started talking about what I did for a job, instead of saying I model like a normal person. I said I wear clothes and stand in front of a camera. That is some stupid shit. I need Bella training please." She begged.

"Girl I can't keep a man. What makes you think I can help you keep one?"

"Because you have experience. Plus you dated Tyler for a pretty long time."

"Yeah most of the time I was in a coma, and after I got out I found out he loves another woman who is a crazy psychopath."

"PLEASE!!! You and Hunter can come if he wants. It will be like a double date."

"Meadow I can't-"

"If you don't come I am not inviting you to my wedding."

"What? You can't do that. I am your best friend."

"Not if you don't come."

"Wow, you are crazy."

"And your point is?"

"Meadow- fine, I'll ask Hunter."

"Great see you later tonight!" She hung before I could protest again.

I thought about calling Hunter but he is probably busy. I got up and went to my closet and pulled out a nice outfit to wear to an office building. I pulled out one of the outfits Lenny designed. He told me if I ever need anything for any event I should go to him and he will custom design anything for me. I don't even remember when he made me this.

After I did a little bit of makeup, I made my way to Hunter's office building

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After I did a little bit of makeup, I made my way to Hunter's office building. Which is conveniently only a few blocks away. 

On my way there no one stopped me thank god. It's like I am not even famous which is good. When I reached the entrance, the guards use to see every day were coming into the building.

What good memories. I nodded at the guards, and I think I may have seen one of them smile.

"Bella? Is that you?" A familiar voice asked as soon as the doors shut behind me.

"Marie! It's so nice to see you again. It's been so long." I smiled and walked over to her. She stood up behind her counter and we hugged when I got close enough.

"I can't believe it. You look somewhat more mature." She said looking at me. I laughed.

"I don't know if that was a compliment or not but thank you."

"It was sweetie. So how are you doing? How is modeling? I see you working your butt off on those magazines. Didn't think you had it in you when you first walked into this building."

"Thanks? And I am doing great. How about you?"

"Good, good. So what are you here for? She asked and sat back down in her chair.

"I'm here for Hun- or I mean Mr. King." She chuckled picked up the phone to call and ask security if I could go up. After a few seconds, she looked back up at me.

"He should be up there. I think you can go right up I'll let him know you are coming."

"Actually it's supposed to kind of be a surprise. He has no girls up there right?"

"Not that I know of. Unless they climbed the thirty-something story glass building."

"Ok see you later Marie." She smiled at me before I walked to the elevators. Oh, how I hated these elevators. Especially when they had to be fixed.

Once I got to the top, I stepped out and looked around. Still the same. I saw my old desk sitting empty right by his doors. I walked to his doors my heels clicking every step I took.

I knocked on the door three times and waited for an answer.

"Come in Bella." I heard a voice call out. Confused I opened the door.

"How did you know it was me?"

"I still have those cameras up Bella." I made an 'o' shape with my mouth. I walked over to his desk and sat down in one of the chairs. 

"So, Hunter, pretty nice place you got here," I said and looked around. It was the exact same as it was many years ago. Except maybe the messy desk.

"Why are you here Bella?" He asked harshly.

"Well sorry if I want to visit a dear friend."

"Sorry, What do you want Bella?" He said in a nicer tone.

"Well, you remember my friend Meadow-"

"How could I forget her. 'Oh Mr. King I can't wait to take hot, sexy photos with you.'" He imitated her voice. 

"She doesn't sound like that," He raised an eyebrow. "Ok a little, but that is not the point. She called earlier and she wants to know if we could go to her boyfr- er fiancé's family. They apparently don't like her very much and we- well I am supposed to persuade them otherwise. If I don't I'm not invited to the future wedding." I explained. He just looked at me amused. "What?"

"So you are asking me on a date?"

"well, I don't think so. I  am just-"

"You are asking me on a date no?"


"Yes or no."

"I don't know. It really isn't a date, but I guess if it makes you feel like you'll actually go on a real date with someone sure."

"I'll take what I can get. But I know it's a date. So when is it?" He asked and leaned back in his chair.



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