Part 8.

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Miller sighed deeply as he threw himself into the large bed. Having to wake up early in the morning and dealing with Carl and his games took a lot out of him. Yes, his acting skills were up to par and did the job of convincing Carl but that didn't mean he didn't feel exhausted afterwards.

It was hard having to smile like a fool when a scowl tried to fight it's  way forward. It'd been thirty minutes since Carl showed him to his new room. It was situated just two rooms away from Carl's. Nothing had happened. The eerie silence made Miller's heart beat speed up.

The house looked like something out of a horror movie. Its ancient exterior and vintage design was enough to make one think something would jump out of the closet at any moment. Miller bolted from the bed, a faint sound of a bell caught his ears. There was no way something was wrong with this house. Carl was living here for God's sake.

The sound made its way to Miller's ears again. This time he stood and looked around the room. There wasn't much: a large bed, closet and a personal bathroom. A large area of extra space was left. 

The bell continued to ring. Miller picked up where the sound was from. He knew it was from behind his door. It could be just Carl up to his usual taunting. Trying to scare Miller. 

Miller held the doorknob firmly. Turning it, he waited a few seconds before opening it. The long hall ways were empty but the bell was still ringing continuously.  Miller had remembered coming from the down the right hallway.

His movements where slow. As he journeyed ahead the sound became louder and louder. All the fear Miller had quickly vanished when he saw Carl standing at the end of the stairs smirking mischievously as he rang a small bell in his hands.

At this point I'd rather a ghost than him

The more Miller saw him the more he wanted to pummel the man to the ground. For however long it took, enduring his handsome yet cunning personality was for one reason only. 

"Took you long enough" Carl said, stopping the shaking of the bell. "Whenever I need you I'll ring this bell so listen carefully"

"What do you want?" Miller said getting straight to the point.

Carl turned to look at the wall clock. "Its eight and I haven't had breakfast yet."

Miller knew exactly what he was trying to say but he asked him anyways. "You want me to make breakfast?"

"Aren't you smart," Carl said sarcastically.

Breakfast was the last thing Miller wanted to make for Carl. Next thing he knew he would have to start making him breakfast in bed. In the back of Miller's mind he just wanted to storm right out the front door. That would be after thoroughly beating the shit out of Carl. He sucked it up and smiled. Miller had already made up his mind on what he had to do. This was just a small step in doing so.

"I make a mean breakfast," Miller said, rolling up his sleeves and bumping into Carl purposefully as he passed. He stopped in his tracks and awkwardly faced Carl. "Where's the kitchen?"

Carl laughed. The man before him was simply something else.

Fifteen minutes later the delicious aroma of scrambled eggs, bacon and toast filled the air. Carl wasn't going to lie, Miller was indeed making a mean breakfast. Miller's focus was slowly diminishing. Carl's piercing gaze on his back was getting uncomfortable. The man had taken a shower then come straight into the kitchen. He sat around the island with a few papers that he'd bought from upstairs.

Was there even a need for him to sit and do his work here? The house was huge so there was surely an office around somewhere. Was possible be that he feared Miller would put something in his meal. Miller had no doubt had the face of a villain but the possibility of him putting poison in his food was zero to none. 

His methods weren't so cheap.

"Could you stop doing that?" Miller said as he poured a glass of orange juice.

"Doing what?" Carl said. Miller could hear the shuffling of papers behind him.

"For a CEO, you're an idiot." Miller turned and faced him. The bright red apron irritating him as he glanced at it. "Now stop staring so I can finish what I'm doing."

"For a Butler you sure talk a lot," Carl countered. "And what if I am staring at you,"

"Its weird and makes me uncomfortable," Miller frowned.

For the past hour Miller had been with Carl. He noticed how the man could be threatening at one moment, sassy and troublesome the next and extremely weird at times. Miller just didn't understand him. He ignored Carl and continued to make another plate of breakfast. 

The opening and closing of the front door caught his attention. Carl looked up from his papers and said. "I forgot to tell you, Paris is joining me for breakfast."

Miller gripped the plate until his knuckles turned white. This was going to be one hell of a breakfast.


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