Part 22.

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The current situation was familiar. Miller stood atop the stairs as he watched Carl descend it. This time he was much more rested and had the energy to do so. Miller rolled his eyes at Carl, still upset about yesterday.

How dare he poured that in my hair. It took Miller eons to get his hair back to its usual scent.

Miller took the other half of the stairs. Today he wasn't going to stop in the kitchen, he had no reason to. So if the stupid CEO wanted to chop a finger or two off then he can gladly do so.

Miller was much more eager to go and meet with Cameron then come and destroy Carl. When all is good-- Miller thought for a second. He didn't have a apartment to go back to. His satisfaction from revenge couldn't get him a new one. He could always stay at Eric's until he got things back together. Quit working at Edwin Enterprise and work somewhere else, banish all the evil --Carl and Paris-- from his life.

As Miller descended the last stair he noticed Carl standing at the end of the other watching him. Not forgetting to glare at him, Miller continued to the front door.

"Where are you going?" Carl asked.

"None of your business" Miller slammed the door behind him.

Miller got in his car. Eric had told him to meet up at the cafe they first met Cameron. Miller wondered who Cameron was all morning. An ex lover who got whiff of Carl's engagement. As much as the idea was bizarre it was still a possibility. Here was Miller, an ex lover who knew about the engagement. They could join hands, become the notorious couple breaker. Miller chuckled at the thought.

Miller parked just outside the cafe, catching a glimpse of Eric and Cameron through the window. He was likely flirting his ass off in there. Should Miller be a good friend and wait a bit or also be a good friend and embarrass Eric a little. He'll do a little of both.

Waiting a few minutes, Miller watched as Eric flirted like there was no tomorrow. Telling Cameron of some lame joke they both found funny. Eric casually touching Cameron's hand that rested on the table a few times. Eric was no doubt smitten with Cameron. Having enough of waiting, Miller entered the cafe.

The sound of the bell above the door gave Miller away as Eric looked up to see who entered. He'll just have to embarrass him another time. Cameron was looking beautiful as always, there's no way such a nice and highly praised person would ever date Carl.

Miller sat beside Eric, ordering a cup of coffee. "Did I make you wait long" Miller said, looking at Eric and giving him a I saw you look.

"No, just on time" Cameron said, his voice sounding seductive as before. "Eric here was telling me about you" Cameron hid a smile behind his cup of coffee.

"Oh did he" Miller smirked. "I hope he didn't chat your ears off or tell you any lame jokes" Miller flinched as Eric elbowed him in the side.

Cameron laughed, placing his cup of coffee down. "He was good company" Eric grinned. "So what did you want to talk about"

Miller thanked the waiter, took a sip of his coffee and said, "Firstly I'd like to apologize for last time" Miller referred to the time Cameron left Carl's office in tears. "I didn't know you would end up hurt in the process"

"You don't have to apologize" Cameron said. "Carl and I just have some bad blood between us, mostly between our parents"

Eric griped his coffee cup, trying to hold back his two cents. "Parents?" Miller said, retreating his cup of coffee back onto the table. Eric looked at Miller then back at Cameron, wanting answers too.

"Ah yes, we're brothers -- half brothers to be exact" Cameron looked at us as if we were suppose to know.

Miller berated himself. How could he think Cameron and Carl was a thing. If only he could slap himself minutes ago. "I didn't know that" Miller took a long sip of his coffee.

"He doesn't tell people we're related. He doesn't even consider me his brother" A glint of hurt flashed across Cameron's face.

"Is there a reason he doesn't?" Eric asked the question Miller was itching to get answers to.

Cameron hesitated for a bit then said," I'm the product of his dad cheating with my mom" Cameron paused, taking a deep breath. "The rest is not for me to tell"

Miller sighed, he got some answers not all. Carl was not going to tell him anything. He was stuck again. "Thank you" Miller said beside feeling unfulfilled.

"Is there a reason you're asking me this"

Miller wasn't all too surprised by the question. "I'm living with him and he acts weird sometimes and with the way things went between you two I guess I was concerned" it wasn't the full truth and wasn't a lie either. Miller noticed Carl's odd behaviour not once but on a few occasions. Eric was even surprised by his answer.

Cameron thought for a bit. "That's because his--" Cameron stopped himself short. "Just keep an eye on him"

"Would you like to come over" Miller found himself asking. "Two days from now"

"I don't think he'll welcome me" Cameron forced a laugh.

"I'll talk to him" Miller wasn't sure if he would. Surprising the CEO would be good but he can't have Cameron crying again.

"Umm....then three days from now" Cameron suggested.

Miller nodded in agreement. "I'll get going now" Eric pulled Miller into a surprising farewell hug.

"You better not make him cry this time" Eric whispered in his ear.

"And you better flirt your ass off" Miller whispered, pulling away from the hug. "I'll see you in three days Cameron"


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