2.Little girl

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** Jennifers pov.

"And thats a wrap! Good work people we will meet in a week!"

I smiled to all of them. Finally a little time to rest I was so tired. We filmed for 16 hours. The Hunger Games cast is fun to be with ,but it gets tiring from time to time.

"Hey, good work Jen" Josh patted my back. I smiled to him with a big smile.

"Thanks, you too, we will meet in a week"

I grabbed my jacket and went to my car. I was so tired and it was long way back to the house. I was singing to the radio when I didnt notice a girl runing to another side of the street. I hit the breaks hard and... I didnt hit her? I jumped out of the car. There she was standing there crying.

***Madelyn pov.

The car didn't hit me, but I freaked out and started to cry out loud. Suddenly I heard the doors close. Someone must of gotten out of it, but I didn't care I was scared to death. So I was still shaking and panicking. Then I felt someone's hands on me. Someone huged me? This felt... good. I wasnt hugged since I was five when I lived with my biological father... I didn't have a mom from what I remembered. Maybe she was dead? I didn't know...

"Are you okay?" A sweet voice asked me.

I looked up and saw a beautiful blond haired woman. She kind of reminded me of something? No... how could she tho? I just met her.

"Im... fine" I whispered still shivering.

She hugged me more tightly and stroked my hair. Which felt unusual, but good in a way. Then I thought... she is going to ask me where are my parents... but I couldn't tell the truth or she is going to send me to Nick again. I couldn't let that happen.

I pulled away with fear in my eyes. I should run away I thought. I couldnt let her take me to Nick.

"Are you okay? Im not going to hurt you... Please don't be scared of me" She said. Maybe she saw the fear in my eyes, maybe she is good? Maybe she isn't like Nick and she will not send me to Nicks again?

"I ..." I whispered.

"Where do you live maybe I could take you home?" She offered.

"I don't... I" I didn't really feel like saying her that I ran away, but I didn't want to lie to her either she looked like a nice person.

"What? Wait... u do have a home? Do you?"

"I...Please dont take me to him! He will kill me if I get back" I cryed.

She looked sad now and concerned. She got down to her knees. She was now my height. She looked to my eyes.

"I wont take you to anyone who is hurting you... is he? Is he hurting you?" She asked.

"Ye...yes" I looked down with tears in my eyes. I didnt know what she is going to do.

She hugged me tightly and let me sobber to her back. It felt so good. Like I was finally not alone.

"We should go to the police station.. okay? I promise you will not end up at his home" she promised.

I nodded my head and followed her to her car.

*** Jens pov.

"She doesnt have any relatives miss, she is going to the shelter..." The police oficer said flatly.

I cant let him take her. She will be all alone again, but again I had no choice unless....

"I whant to adopt her." I stated.

" Oh... Okay." The Officer said.

He handled me some paper I signed it quickly and went to pick up her. When I remembered. I don't even know her name...

Adopted by Jennifer Lawrence(Complete)Where stories live. Discover now