18. The strange Jen

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It's been a week since that day I found out that Jen is my real mother. Did anything change? Well... not really, she was the same funny, open person, but she was more open with me I guess. Jen's parents were so surprised about the news, but they knew me, so it was way easier, then it would have been if I was unknown.

When I told Jasmine and Leah, well... They freaked out. Jasmine and Leah asked a lot of questions, which I didn't have answers to.

Today i'm going to school. I did all of my homework, packed my backpack. I putted on my white "The Hunger games" hoodie and black jeans, with vans.

I was at Selena's concert yesterday. Jen and I were dancing and singing to the song, and Josh was recording us, and of course laughing too. He said that we are such a look a likes with our character.

I went down the stairs with my backpack. I jumped on the last step. When I saw Jen trying to cook I smiled. She said she will try to be an avarage mother, but I said that she doesn't have to change, cause she's the best mom I could ever had. Honestly.

"Good morning,Jen!" I smiled to her.

"Hey Maddy" She said while putting rachet looking eggs in my plate, but I know how much effort she put in this so I just toke the plate and smiled.

"Oh that looks delicious, good job Jen!" I put the peace of the egg in my mouth. It was okay.

"Thanks" she said while smiling whidely.

***after 5 minutes

"Ready?" Jen asked while getting down the stairs fully dressed, she still had last weeks makeup, from the filming. What I meant to say that she had blood on her face.

"Yup" I laughed.


We were at the parking lot. When Jen turned to me and kissed my forehead.

"Good luck, Maddy"

I went out of the car after giving Jen a bone crushing hug. I looked around for familiar faces. No one. Great...

"Hey, Lawrence" someone shouted from across the streat. I looked at who it was.


"Hi, Daren" I waved with a grin on my face. We have been texting none stop when I was sick. He would have told me everything from what happend at the school, and I would ask how is he feeling. I genuinely cared for people. I would just message them positive stuff, and I am in fact a positive person. Just like Jen.

"Nice to see you, God, Geography was so boring without you." Daren laughed.

"Haha, well isn't it always boring?" I chucled.

"Yeah it was more boring I guess...without you..." He blushed.

"Okay..." I blushed too.

Why is it so awkward??? It's like when you are texting it's easy and when you talk it's a whole new thing. I don't get it. Oh well...

"Okay, I have to go, see you at geography!" I smiled and ran to my class, before he coul even say a thing.

The day went by so fast, that I didn't even notice. This sunday is the premiere of "The Hunger Games: Catching fire." So Jen and I were going shoping today, and we will be ready I guess?

When Jen picked me up she smiled so weirdly. She looked so ecxited about something. I asked, but she just grinned. Okay?

So for the past 2 hours Jen has been so secrative, I couldn't take it anymore.

"Jen, tell me,please?" I asked for the 100th time.

"Madelyn, I don't know what are you talking about" she smirked.

That's how the day went on. We bought two gorgeous dresses. Jen went on to a different shop's alone and left me at a coffee shop. I didn't know what was that about, but we got home late that day, so I went straitght to bed.

Adopted by Jennifer Lawrence(Complete)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ