Morning after

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I woke up to something poking my back. Something hard. My eyes shot open in surprise and I tried to turn around, but two strong arms held me in place. The thing poked me on my lower back, and I felt myself blush as I realised what it was. My blush deepened when Eric pulled me closer into him. Into it.

I tried to wiggle out of his grip, whereas he grunted and held me closer. My own it started to wake up too, making my blush creep down my neck. The morning light shone me in my face. Snow made the light brighter than it should be, and when you are newly awake that's the worst possible outcome. The December sun didn't help much either.

Eric stirred in his sleep, nuzzling his head in the crook of my neck. I froze in fear as he began rubbing his thing up and down my leg. He moaned into my neck, making little me fully awake. That's when he thrusted forward.

I yelped loudly in surprise, successfully waking him up at the same time. With a low grunt he sat up. I shut my eyes, trying to keep my breathing slow and steady, in an attempt to seem asleep. He stood up and swore under his breath. Soon after I heard the soft pattering of his feet disappear into his bathroom.

When I heard the shower turn on, I sat up. My heart was thundering in my chest and my breath was irregular. That scared the shit out of me. Eric had gotten hard. Not that it was unusual that we had a morning wood, but he had been hugging me during the whole night. I pondered for a couple of seconds, he had been incredibly touchy-feely the last couple of weeks. Maybe, just maybe he... no, that's just wish-thinking.

Eric returned to the room not long after his departure. His hair was wet and the only piece of fabric he wore was a towel. A small, damned towel. I quickly averted my gaze to the floor. My youngster peeking up once again. The skin on my face, neck and ears felt hot. Damn, why am I pale?

"Uhm... do you want breakfast?" he asked awkwardly. I gave him a nod as my only response. He turned his back to me and I realised in fear and embarrassment that he was about to drop his towel.

"B-b-bath-I-bath-need to- bathroom go- I need to use the bathroom!" I stammered and bolted past him. After locking the door behind me I slid down on the cold tile. Shit shit shit! What the hell did this mean? My best friend had been having a hard on while hugging me. Did that mean something or was it just a coincidence? I walked up to the sink and threw some water in my face. He must have dreamt of some girl. Yes, that must be it.

After trying to reassure myself that Eric's boner hadn't meant anything, I finally stepped out of the bathroom.

Eric was no longer there, and maybe that was good. I don't think I could restrain myself if I saw him exposed like that again. I looked around the room in hope of finding some kind of pants. My own were nowhere to be found. Eventually I found a pair of pyjama pants that I could tie on the front. They were, as to be expected, very baggy, but at least they stayed put on my hips. I made my way downstairs, heading directly to the kitchen.

His brothers, Jayden and Tom, was seated by the breakfast bar. They were talking loudly about something that had happened the day before. Eric was, however, standing with his back to me, cooking something on the stove. A wolf-whistle made me jump.

"Woooah, way to be smexy Luke," Jayden said with a wink. I blushed furiously when I realised he aimed at my shirt. I had forgotten how thin it was. The cold had made my nipples hard as diamonds, which were very noticeable in this shirt. Tom snickered and whistled again. Suddenly self conscious, I crossed my arms in front of my chest, Eric's brothers whining dramatically. I knew that they were only teasing me, but I felt uneasy with their eyes on my body. Something warm and fluffy was put over my shoulders. I glanced up only to see an annoyed Eric.

"If you morons don't shut the fuck up, imma hit you with the pan!" he said darkly. His brothers simultaneously put their hands up in surrender, but not without a chuckle each. Eric muttered something under his breath before returning to whatever he was cooking. I brought the warm fabric closer to me. It was one of Eric's many high school jackets. Jayden and Tom was talking about some game when I sat down in front of them. They glanced at me, and smirked knowingly at each other, all without stopping the conversation.

The pair of older brothers weren't bad people, they loved to tease others, though. They looked a lot like Eric, which was a given, although neither of them had gotten their father's blue eyes. Which I thanked all the almighty powers for, it would be weird if they had the same pair of eyes as Eric. I had known them for as long as I had known Eric, although they had only been with us when they felt like teasing me or their brother.

I noticed that their plates were unused. That was unusual. Both of them usually had a mountain of food on their plates, especially this early in the mornings.

"Lukas, you dislike white beans, right?" Eric asked from his place by the stove.

"Yeah," I answered, trying to smell whatever he was cooking. Bacon, and eggs? Not long after, Eric put a plate in front of me. It was filled with bacon, scrambled eggs, fresh cucumber, and waffles. Tons of waffles. Each and every one drenched in syrup. He put his own place down and took the seat next to me. I almost drooled over the food, and well, I wasn't the only one.

"Where is our food you wanker?" Jayden and Tom said in synchrony. I looked up at them. They were eyeing my food, drool almost escaping their mouths. I brought my plate closer to me, shielding it from the hungry wolves.

"It's by the stove, cook your own damn food next time," Eric replied. He had already started to eat, shoveling the food into his mouth, not caring that it flew out of his mouth when he spoke. His brothers scrambled to the stove, shoving and bickering in an attempt to reach it first.

The food wasn't on my plate for long. I patted my stomach in delight, feeling almost too full, at least I wasn't in food paralysis like Sam.

Later, after changing into my own clothes, Eric followed me to the door. It was only midday, but mum and dad were supposed to come home around 3 o'clock. I wanted to clean the house a little to surprise them. When my shoes and coat was on, and I was ready to leave, Eric grabbed my hand.

He didn't say anything, seemingly hesitating. I stared at him, at his hand, my ears hot, and my hand warm from his. He looked down on our intertwined hands, then up to my face again. Eric cleared his throat awkwardly. If I didn't know better I would say that he was blushing. He reluctantly let go of my hand. I missed the warmth instantly.

"Hrm, well. Ehm... see you on New Year's Eve," he said with a chuckle. I chuckled too, awkwardly.

"I... uhm, I'll come here around seven pm," I mumbled and hurriedly opened the door. The cold hit me in the face like a brick, but it was needed. Eric waved me off, until I no longer could see him. My face must have been bright red, because it seemed like I was steaming. I felt as if I was walking on clouds. With a gleeful shout I ran the rest of the way home. Soft snowflakes touching my skin as I did so.

My face seemed to have a permanent smile that didn't go away. Not even when I finally fell asleep that night.


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