The Party pt 2

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Trigger Warnings Ahead!!!

My world was turned upside down. In a good way. Eric had kissed me. He had given me his New Year's Kiss! It had been quick, but soft, sudden, but warm. When he pulled back, his ears were as red as the next firework. I gaped at him, and he smiled sheepishly at me, scratching the back of his neck.

"S-sorry," he stuttered. "It just felt as if this was the right place, and like I'm really sorry, oh my god I just pushed myself onto you, God what if you didn't want it? Shit what if you aren't even gay! Lucas I am so sor-" I cut him off by connecting our lips once again. At first, he tensed up, but soon his hands found their way to the back of my neck, grasping it as if his life depended on it. My own hands were secured on his face, holding it steady as we kissed. When we eventually pulled away from each other, we were both out of breath, face flushed. Eric's lips were red and swollen, and slightly shiny from our kiss.

"Wow," he gasped out. I nodded absentmindedly, hardly grasping that I wasn't dreaming. "So... does this mean that you feel the same way, or?" Eric asked timidly. I let out a breathy laugh.

"Of course you idiot!" I laughed. "I wouldn't just kiss you if I didn't have feelings for you! This should mean that you're gay. Right?" Eric chuckled and traced his knuckles over my cheek.

"Well, you're a guy. I'm a guy. We have kissed. That should mean that I'm at least a little bit gay, shouldn't it?" he smiled, I smiled back.

The garden was still filled with teenagers, all making out, talking and laughing. Eric and I was standing on our own, just a little bit away from the largest groups of people. We were no longer pressed up against each other, however, our hands were linked together. The fireworks exploded in large, colorful flowers to decorate the night sky. It was cold outside, it made our breath turn into puffs of white air, slowly fading away. Eventually Eric and I walked inside again, not wanting to get frostbites in our horribly inconvenient clothing. Slowly, the garden was cleared of people. The party was in full bloom once again. This time, however, Eric and I stayed at the sidelines. We didn't talk. We just stood close together, feeling the warmth of the other.

Eventually I became restless. I wanted to do something. Subconsciously I began walking up to the dancing teenagers, dragging Eric behind me. The world around us disappeared as we began dancing, such as we had before. He held my hands tightly in his, and spun me around. As I became more breathless, he became harsher with the spinning. Ultimately I was so dizzy and nauseous that I had to stop dancing. I was panting loudly, sweat pouring out of my every pore, face red, but with a smile on my lips. Tiredness came over me, making me stumble slightly in Eric's arms. He grabbed ahold of my waist, and I smiled sheepishly at him.

"I'm kinda tired," I said softly. He smiled and nodded in understanding. "I think I'm gonna go to bed."

"Are you sure that you'll be able to sleep with the turmoil down here?" he asked me, obviously not tired in the slightest yet. I nodded.

"If not, I'll just call Manfred. I wanted to wish him and the other a Happy New Year anyways. You stay here, be the host as you should," I decided, he seemed slightly unsure, but nodded eventually anyway. I patted him on his shoulder and made my way up to his room.

After closing the door behind me, I threw myself unceremoniously on his bed, immediately picking up my phone and rolling over on my stomach. The group chat was unusually quiet, which wasn't very surprising as they all were in the same place. Well, except for me. I quickly dialed Manfred's number, he picked up after the third signal.

"Whazzup Lucky-boi?" Manfred's happy, and slightly too loud voice boomed from the other end. Music was heard loud and clear from the background, as well as shouts and laughter.

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