Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Enjoy reading!

"Ok with the talking lets get to the dining table". His mother said and I thanked her in my mind. They were questioning me like I was a criminal and they were police. No kidding.

David and I sat next to each other on the table. And there were so many dishes on the table full of food. Different types of food. Now it seems worth it. Maybe it wasn't a bad idea to come here.

As long as I am having my food. Everything will be fine.

"Are you happy now". David said lowly to me judging me by my growing smile.

"Very". I grinned. I looked at daniel to see him already gazing us intently. I hurriedly looked away.

We started eating and the conversation was light. Not all questions were directed to me which I am very thankful of. They were just talking like a normal family. Daniel didn't really said much (as usual). David was cracking lame jokes once in a while on which I really laugh because they were that lame.

I liked the atmosphere. Everyone seems happy here. They live like a normal family and here look at me. Parents died and left me to a brother who is mentally ill. I thought bitterly.

I am getting jealous of them. I shouldn't but I can't help. Look at them. They have a perfect family.

I wish my family was like this. But what can we say now? What's done is done.

I just shook my head to get rid of my disturbing thoughts.

I then started eating my food. And I have to say that its tasty. I was still eating ignoring everyone's chat becuase only food is worth my attention not anyone else.

I just want to kiss the hands of the person who cooked this. So tasty. I was still in my thoughts on how this food is so tasty when I heard a specific voice so I looked up.

"I have got an emergency. I should get going". Daniel stood up and said.

"Is everything ok?". Nikolina asked. Yes we are on first name basis now. Even though I still prefer mrs clifford.

"Yeah. Not a big thing to worry about". He said.

"Bye. Have a great night". He said and walked away.

As I was still eating the desert his mother asked.

"So how did you two meet?". She asked happily. Oh fudge. I forgot that she still thinks that I am his girlfriend. How can we forget to tell them!? Because you were busy stuffing your face a voice in my brain mocked. Oh yeah.

I nudged david on the stomach.

"What?". He asked completely oblivious on what I was trying to say. Ugh. Stupid.

I gave him THE look and then he said. "Ohhh. Haha. Right". I nodded.

Everyone looked at us confused. Then david said. "The thing is that... mom. I am sorry...". He stopped. Damn. Why is he taking years to tell?

"Do we really have to do this?". He whispered questionably in my ear. Damn. He is having second thoughts!

I will do this instead. "Mr and mrs clifford. I am not David's girlfriend". I dropped the news. I sighed out of relief. Now everything is good.

There was a pregnant pause.

"But daniel said that-". Before mrs. Clifford could complete the sentece I stopped her. I am manner less. I know. I know.

"He misunderstood". I said with a serious face.

Oh god. It was just a simple thing I don't know why I was so nervous about telling them this.

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