Chapter 30

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Chapter thirty

Your "what the fuck" comments are welcome. ;)


Emily's POV.

"Hey baby". A voice whispered from behind me and soon the person wrapped their arms around my waist. I smiled in content and turned around to face him.

"Hi Mr. Clifford". I teased and he chuckled.

"How are you Mrs. Clifford?". He asked and rubbed my nose against his and I smiled.

"I am good, husband". I replied. Chuckling at our silly behaviour.

"And how is my little one doing?". He asked and ran his hand lovingly on my heavily pregnant stomach.

"Very good. He was just missing his dad". He smiled at that.

"Dad. I am going to be a dad. I still can't believe it. You have made me the happiest person alive in this world! emily". He kissed my forehead and I closed my eyes. Loving the feels.

"And you have completed me daniel". I ran my hands on his cheeks.

"I love you so much emily". Daniel said and placed his lips on mine.

And then someone was shaking me. "Mommy!". I opened my eyes and the reality came crashing down. I sat down and took my head in my hands.

It was a dream.

All of it was a dream. It seemed so real. Everything.

I blinked back the tears that were threatening to fall. I shook my head. Gosh, I am so stupid. Why do I even dream of such things. Why! I wanted to scream.

There was never anything between me and daniel! Nor will anything ever be.

I looked at the person beside me who was looking innocently at me. I smiled. He is the reason I want to wake up everyday.

My baby. My life. My son. My brandon.

I picked him up from the bed and sat him on my lap. I kissed his cheek.

"I love you." I said as I ran my hand in his curly hair.

He just cutely smiled at me showing his dimples. The dimples he got from his father.

His father, daniel. he doesn't even know he has a son.

I still remember everything of our last encounter. The night I had too much to drink and ended up having sex with my boss. Daniel. I remember the words he said when we woke up the next morning.

"You seduced me!". He had said that.

"This! Whatever happened meant nothing. I regret it. It won't happen again. You are just my assistant and it will stay that way".

"Don't start thinking something just because we had meaningless sex which we both were too wasted to remember".

"I hope I made everything clear". With that he stormed out of the hotel room leaving me ashamed with tears in my eyes.

His words broke my heart. He took my virginity and behaved that way. I know! We both were wasted but he should not have acted that cruel.

I was so ashamed and depressed that I could not even go back to the office for one week. I stayed at my apartment trying to figure out my thoughts and everything. Just like I expected I never got a call or message from daniel.

Why would I even get. I don't know why I always set my expectations so high.  Even when I know I am going to get hurt.

When I went to the office next week daniel had been gone to a business trip and I got to know that he isn't going to come for a long time.

A few weeks later I got to know that I am pregnant. I went into depression. I didn't had anyone, I could not tell anyone. Not david cuz I knew he will tell daniel, not my friends from company. And that was it! These were the only people in my life that I cared about and they were all related to daniel in some way.

I didn't want daniel to find out that I was pregnant. I just didn't. I knew what I did was wrong at the moment, but I was too vulnerable to think straight at that moment.

I regret it now obviously, seeing my child void of father love, or would daniel have even accepted brandon? I don't know.

Sometimes I think of telling him now but now it's too late. Brandon is almost two. I kept daniel out of his son's life and I feel shit for that. And I am too scared to tell him now.

Difficult time has passed. I hope everything that is written for us in future is good.

I haven't seen daniel in so much time. I want to see him and I don't want to see him. I am messed up I know.

Lost in my thoughts I noticed that brandon had ran away from my lap. I chuckled and shook my head. This kid.

I got out of bed and started looking for him. Where is he?

I started wandering around my extremely small apartment. It is smaller than the last one I was living in a few years ago. I know which is not good for a young kid. But that's all I can manage right now.

I left my old apartment when I got to know I was pregnant and cut off the ties with everyone I knew. And here I am now. In this small apartment. But I am happy. At least I have a reason to live now.

Brandon. I have him and I am happy. He is my little baby and I love him with all my life.

I went to the living room and saw brandon playing with his toys on the floor.

I picked him up even though he tried to get out of my grip. "Time to bath baby".

He really hates them.

Brandon looks so much like daniel. He has his grey eyes and whatever things ditto as daniel. I don't know if that's a good thing or bad thing as he is just as cute as him and he remind me of him everytime I look at him.

After bathing him and changing him into clothes, I heard a bell ring. Oh, it must be charlotte. My friend, neighbour and a babysitter to brandon.

I opened the door and there she was standing smiling at me. "Welcome". She came in and I handed brandon to her.

I checked the time and saw that there was just a few minutes left till my shift starts at the hotel I work.

"I am going to take a shower now". I muttered and quickly ran to my bedroom.

I reached the hotel and saw everyone worried and people weren't working just talking with one or another and I saw that the hotel hasn't been opened today.

I went to natasha, my co worker. "What is happening?".

"Someone bought this hotel and the all the building near. We just got the news. Owen told us. The new buyers are now in the office discussing whatsoever, I don't know". She said looking worried herself. Fuck.

"What about our jobs?". I ask panicking.

"I don't know". She said. Ughhh. I want to scream.

"Who bought it?".

"Daniel Clifford. I have hear-". After hearing his name. I didn't hear anything she was saying. The only thing in my mind was daniel.

Daniel bought this hotel.

"Oh look here he is". She whispered.

Don't look back. Don't look back.

But still I turned around like an extremely genius person and saw him.

And just then his eyes met mine.


Never Looking Back ✔Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz