Chapter Two

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Kit and Blue leveled up from the kill, which was good since that was the one of the reasons for doing the dungeon in the first place. JiYeong got the rest of the materials she needed for the quest, making sure they were secure in her inventory before they left the dungeon.

The two runs took almost three hours, so they decided to chill out for a bit in the town Zatch's Guild Hall was in, Farron.

JiYeong never spent much time in the city. It resided in the Kingdom of Ellshire, which was run by the Elcres clans. It was a beautiful Kingdom, and Farron was no exception.

It was one of the larger cities in Allumia, serving as Ellshire's capital. It sat between a forest that seemed to be frozen in the early autumn, its trees varying shades of greens, reds and orange, and a crystal blue lake. JiYeong often chose to visit in the early mornings, when the sun was just over the horizon. It was when the sun's rays shined on the trees, making the colors vibrant and breathtakingly stunning.

Farron was home to the Archers Guild, since Elcres had a natural talent for both Archery and Animal Husbandry. Zatch had chosen an Elcres as his race when creating his character as it wasn't just the NPCs who were better at Archery, but players who played as that race started when higher stats, more specifically dexterity and accuracy.

Archers weren't the only thing that made up Farron, though. It was home to many of Allumia's smaller sects, such as Leatherworking. Seeing as they were some of the best Hunter's the realm had to offer, it only made sense that they were the biggest suppliers of leather, a material used in making armor for classes who did not need heavy armor but still needed enough protection that simple cloth wouldn't give them.

As they were walking into town, JiYeong could tell they'd come into one of the busier parts. Stalls lined the sides of the streets where there weren't already shops. JiYeong felt short with all the Elcres milling about. Even though she'd chosen the higher end of the height bar for her human, Elcres still towered above her by at least a foot.

The Guild Hall sat, thankfully, in Farron's residential district, which was far less busy then the main street had been. 

As for the house itself, it was one of the medium sized ones you could buy. There were dozens of rooms that the members could buy for personal use, a kitchen, gathering room and basement.

The basement was decently sized, even having a bar and a couch tucked into a corner near a fireplace. They decided to go to there to chat.

One benefit to having a Guild Hall was that they could sit in a private area and chat without worrying about conversations from everyone else in the game interrupting.

JiYeong made her way to behind the bar, deciding to switch to her Culinary class for bit. She went through her inventory, picking several berries she'd gotten from the dungeons to make a simple fruit salad.

Zatch sat on the couch watching as Kit used one of the training dummies for target practice. Blue picked a seat at the bar, watching JiYeong cut the stems off strawberries.

JiYeong: have you decided on a secondary class yet?

Blue shook her head, her ear twitching. She had chosen to play as a Zaif, wolf-like creatures who were more humanoid than wolf. Her hair was an almost golden color, barely noticeable blue streaks going through it that complimented her bright blue eyes. It hung in large ringlets around her face, shoulders and falling down her back.

As a Mage, she wore white cotton leggings and a lightweight overcoat that moved with every action. She'd dyed it a powder blue, unsurprisingly. A staff was strapped across her back, white with a star and moon floating above the top.

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