Chapter Nine

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JiYeong pulled her boots off, setting them to the side with the rest of her clothes and taking a moment to enjoy the feel of the carpet. It was nothing like the rough, cheap carpet her apartment had. She imagined it was what walking on a cloud would feel like. Being a royal, or even being able to live in the palace all the time must have been amazing.

Being the Champion definitely wouldn't be that bad, especially if she got to stay here the entire time.

She'd just pulled the new shoes on when there was a brief knock on the door, and Shiloh stepped back in, two other maids in tow.

"This is Sustea and Luvie. They are Sylph, just as I am, maids directly under me, and will be your personal handmaidens while you are here with us." Shiloh said, gesturing towards the two girls behind her.

Both were just as beautiful as Shiloh was, though they looked younger.

The one standing closest to Shiloh bowed. "Nice to meet you Lady JiYeong. I am Sustea." She was shorter than Shiloh, and pale as if she never stepped out into the sun, though there was a greenish-blue tint to her skin. Her hair was a deep blue and tightly coiled, her eyes almost white with pale blue specks in the irises.

The other Sylph bowed as well. "Pleasure, Champion JiYeong. I am Luvie." She looked to be the youngest, bright red hair pulled into a low bun, bangs hanging in front of pale orange eyes. She was tanner than Sustea, freckles sprinkling her cheeks and the bridge of her nose. She had dimples when she smiled.

"Nice to meet you both as well. But please, just call me JiYeong. The titles are too much."

Both Sylphs looked to Shiloh, who gave a slight nod. "These two will take good care of you. They will fix your hair and give you a bit of makeup. You don't seem the type who likes a lot of makeup so it will be subtle. Luvie. Sustea."

Sustea directed JiYeong to the vanity, sitting her in the chair facing away from the mirror and running her hands through JiYeong's.

"You have beautiful hair, Miss." She said lightly.

"Thank you Sustea." JiYeong didn't say anything about being called 'miss'. She supposed it was better than Lady, or Champion.

"Beautiful features as well. Ones we don't normally see unless you go Far East. Rare in this part of the realm." Luvie said, opening one of the drawers of the vanity and pulling out a variety of different tools and makeup. She looked back at JiYeong for a moment, studying her face before nodding and going to pick out eyeliner, mascara and lipstick.

"If you don't mind me asking," JiYeong started. She felt Sustea's hands pause in her hair, it felt as if she'd been braiding it but she wasn't too sure. "How long have you been working here?"

Sustea and Luvie shared knowing looks before Luvie began putting a light powder on JiYeong's cheeks. "I've worked in the palace for about five years now. Much less than Miss Shiloh." She smiled a bit, setting the powder aside and picking up the eyeliner. "Look up for me, Miss." She said, waiting for JiYeong to comply before beginning to line her waterline. "Sustea has been here almost twelve years."

"Ho-ow!" JiYeong flinched, yanking away from Luvie when she felt the eyeliner pencil get dangerously close to her eye.

"My apologies Miss. I will do my best not to stab you." Luvie apologized, taking a small cloth and rubbing the liner from JiYeong's nose.

"It's not your fault. I've always been bad with makeup."

Luvie giggled lightly, a rather adorable sound JiYeong decided.

"Miss Shiloh warned us you might ask us about our ages. She said you were quite shocked when she told you her age." Sustea mused, twisting the top half of JiYeong's hair into a bun and securing it with a pin. "I am sure you are wondering how old Luvie and I are as well."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2018 ⏰

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